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It was cold, but not unpleasant.

Levi's figure floated under water, peacefully breathing in and out. Eyes closed and cleared up senses.

He could feel the water caress his skin, and circulate inside his body, replenishing him; clearing away the pain.

He could smell the faint aroma of blood mixed with that of the person he was supposed to protect but failed to do so.

Could he be more of a nuisance, he asked himself.

How could he ever imagine he would be able to defeat that evil sorcerer alone? Even Lucifer couldn't and he just imagined himself he could; just like one of his heroic novels and manga characters.

He was a failure, both as a man and a demon.

A waste of space...

Levi's body started to shine with purplish currents running all over his body underneath his skin.

Levi could taste the sweetness of freshwater, clearing up the iron taste that had been accumulated by the dried-up blood in his mouth. The sweetness of the fresh water was like a blessing he never asked for, but thankful, nonetheless.

His eyes slowly opened as he noticed, without moving a muscle, that he was slowly sinking.

Where was he again, he wondered and soon remembered he needed to rescue Pamy. He needed to move to make that happen, but his body seemed reluctant to do so.

It felt so good where he was now. He felt safe, safe from the reality of his failures; the failures no one ever pointed out for him, but he didn't need them to for him to know what they were... Failures...

He muttered, as air bubbled formed and reached towards the green gleaming water surface but disappeared halfway there,

"I'm better off here..."

Levi closed his eyes and waited for anything to ended it all.

Suddenly, a whisper reached him. His ears twitched at the melodious soft voice.

"Tá m'anam stróicthe uaim, agus mé ag cur fola
Mo chroí, tá sé ar cíos, agus tá mé ag caoineadh..."

He had heard this before.

"My soul has been torn from me, and I am bleeding

My heart, it has been rent, and I am crying..."

Tears started to well up in his eyes. As the song continued.

"All the beauty around me fades, and I am screaming..."

Levi's body started to crackle and emit purplish electrical discharges, as his slit, brightened with determination, eyes widened and narrowed.

"I am the last of the Great Leviathans..."

The water started to pool around him, whirling at monstrous speed, as it fused with electrical energy.

"... and I am..."

Before the last words could be uttered, with a deep slithering voice he screamed,

THE SHADOW BOOK OF DEMONS: NEAR THE END OF DAYSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ