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Good news! Starting today I'll be writting the next chapter of the story😃❤️

UNI ended amd now I can add more things to my list of TO Dos😉


The magical stone got activated by Pamy's touch. Why didn't she die? Only three people got sucked into the portal to the firstsection of the Undergroud Devildom Library, the rest remained at the house.

Mammon is in big trouble 😆 Not like that's new right😂🤷‍♀️

Everyone is mad.

Satan, Solomon and Pamy now have to find something importanta that can help them in defeating the evil Solomon and to get them back to the House of Lamentation.😳

🌙Now some of the extras🌙

A new love short~

"Playing Cat and Mouse"

What did he see in her. She was small. She was defenseless. He could deceive her if he wanted to. He was capable of doing far more than just play with such a weak mouse. Then why did he not?

She could run faster than him. She was thinking faster than him, or were they both thinking as to see who would win this game of cat and mouse..?
Did they know not of what they felt, that they blindedly showed each other the expressions only they would only get to see on each others face...
Their ignorance could only be resolute with their joyfull laughs~

Their ignorance could only be resolute with their joyfull laughs~

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I'll also include the unpainted version😁 and a close up!

I'll also include the unpainted version😁 and a close up!

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THE SHADOW BOOK OF DEMONS: NEAR THE END OF DAYSWhere stories live. Discover now