Kakasaku Into the past

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Sakura's POV
Sakura Tsunade called one a weak voice, I'm sorry it has to be this way. But we have one last option, you will never be able to come back to this timeline, and there is a huge chance you won't survive the mission. I need to know will you accept this mission to stop the war from happening. Sakura looked at her master and knew she couldn't help her the damage had been done it wasn't reversible. Tsunade Sama I accept the terms of the mission, right as Sakura gave her answer the previous hokages surrounded her. All she could remember was the pain after all of them laid their hands on her she felt like she was being ripped apart. She ended up seeing a flash of colors before she woke up, completely drained in a field with 5 people looking down on her. Their was a black haired boy, a masked boy, a girl with purple rectangles on her face, a blonde man, and a red headed woman. Kakashi muttered the girl before passing out. She woke up in the hospital with the 3rd hokage staring at her.

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