Yūhi Clan part 1

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Sakura's POV
I don't know how I am supposed to explain this I muttered to myself. The third was getting impatient I could tell by the irk mark on his forehead. Ok I am Sakura Yūhi my clan was killed when I was little. I spoke calmly. Hiruzen started to get angry and said no the Yūhi are still very much alive and you have proven to be a liar. Lord third I have a paper from my time for you if you will read it. I tried to persuade him it seemed to work because he took it.

Yūhi Sakura,
This is your mission go back in time to before the 4th great ninja war and stop it from happening. I'm sorry that I can't give you much information,
Sincerely ,Tsunade the fifth hokage.
Hiruzen's POV
Does she really know Tsunade he was mentally at war with himself on wether he should trust this Yūhi or not. I should probably stop going over important details if she knows how to control her keke genkai Ok you can stay I don't know why I said that it just felt like the right thing to do.
Sakura's POV
Seriously why does he not trust me well maybe because I know about author Chan. Ok I won't let you down.
Somewhere far away author chan sneezes hm who is talking about me?

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