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It's almost 11:30pm but Gulf is still not here. I have cooked two varieties of dishes. Some of spicy and some are normal without spices. I don't know what kind of dishes he likes most that's why I have cooked all these. Hope he like and enjoy the dinner but for that first he needs to be present here so that he can have all these. It's 11:45 pm , I don't think he gonna come. Dishes are already cold now and my appetite too is gone.

"Let's go to sleep Mew, tomorrow you have workshop" I was talking to myself.I was feeling bad. I thought after dinner we might start liking or atleast try to understand each other but nevermind...

I was about to switch off the lights someone rang the doorbell.

"Who could be at this time?"
Whoever is on door I can say he or she is so impatient. Continually rigging the bell. By rigging the bell one time or more than one time it's gonna take same amount of time for the person to open the door.

"Yes?!!" To know the person who is irritating me by rigging the bell made me surprise and shocked both which made me lost to proceed further and welcome him.

"Hello...where are you lost? I'm hungry and tired. I can't stand here whole night for you to give me permission to enter in inside". How rude of him. It's his fault that he is hungry. Why didn't he came on time.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He really looks tired. He just nodded and sat on the couch without even removing his shoes as if he is totally exhausted.

"Here" I offered him lemon juice so that he feel fresh.

"Don't you had any other juice?" And made faces but drunk anyway. Such a brat.

"Why you are..." Before I asked him he  interrupted me " can't you see how exhausted I'm? Don't question me and make dinner. I'm hungry" he is ordering me as if he is the owner and I'm his servant. Ghosh... is boy is getting in my nerves.

I folded my arms across my chest and dare him to give me any more orders.

He diverted his gaze and accepted his misbehave just by saying "ok,ok. I'm not giving you any order but I'm hungry" and in fraction of second he changed into a small kid who is whining to complete his demands.
I rolled my eyes seeing his change of personality.

"Just wait for 10 minutes. Need to reheat the dishes" he just hummed.

"How much time it's gonna take you to just reheat the dishes!! It's already more than 10 minutes. Are you reheating or cooking the foods? You are so slow in your all works. You gonna kill me by keeping me wait waiting for food" it's hardly 8 minutes and he is behaving as if years has passed. My eyes gonna fall due to excessive rolling due to his tantrums.

"It's almost done. Why don't you go and freshen up?"

"Hmm. I was thinking to ask you if I can you bathroom. You should have told me before as I'm the guest here it's obvious for me to feel awkward to ask you this" and again he is blaming me. He was tired I thought to give him some time to relax but he...

It's almost 10 minutes and he is still not back. I'm done with dishes. Let me see what takes him to much time.

"Oh, God!" Where is he? I searched whole mansion.

"Ouch!! My head"
"Can't you see I was coming from here?"
"How would know you are coming from here?"
"You had told me to get fresh"
"I had told you to use guest room which was right side of kitchen not in my room".
"What!! Your room?"
"Yes. My room"
"Ohhhhh. That's why bathroom was smelling so bad?"
"Excuse me?"
"Yes. The room is so messy and bathroom... it's to dirty and offensive".
"You just want to irritate me"
"If you don't believe me then go and see by your own eyes" there is that evil smirk on his face. I'm sure he did something to annoy me more.

"See. I told you how messy and dirty your room and bathroom. You didn't believe me" he is saying so innocently as if I'm a kid whom he can fool by his facade.

"Dinner is ready"I said and left for the dinner. I'm really angry on him.

"What have you made for the dinner?" He asked enthusiastically as if a kid got his favorite candy but I know that secret of his happiness. It's because he got for what he came here. But little boy if you are thinking I will let you go after doing all these then you are wrong today you gonna pay for this.

"Let's eat" I said dryly and dug in my food.

"I don't like foods which are not spicy" I'm not gonna eat it. Here again his tantrums.

"There are other dishes too"
"Hmm, I can see"
"Then try them and if you don't like you are free to go back from where you came. No one is holding you back".

"How rude...are these the manners how to treat a guest?"

"Are these your manners to behave with people in your life who made dinner for you? Waited for you to come and have dinner? For more than 5 hours? It's 1am. Dinner time was at 8 pm. I was hell tired but still did all these things for you" I didn't realised what I have said just now and why.

He dug silently in this plat and tried all dishes accept prawns. But I didn't asked him why. It's his choice.

"I'm done. I was hungry that's why I have all these dishes but it doesn't mean they tasted good" this expressions were saying otherwise a while ago and why then he is hesitating to say he they didn't tasted good? Such a liar . Can't just accept I cooked well.

"I'm leaving"
"Why so fast?"
"You didn't have dessert"
"Oh. No, I don't want. I'm full".
"Ohh, c'mon..." And I let my seat and block his way with the bowl if dessert in my hand.
"C'mon just one bit" I tried to feed him. I know he gonna resist me if I will feed him. And my guess was right. He resisted me and I loosen my grip on bowl so that I would fall on his shirt.

"Shit!!! Mew? told you not to force me.
See, what have you done. It's already late. How will I go back now?"

I was pretending to look shock and guilty.

"Sorry. Let me clean it" I pretended to help him and clean with tissue papers but stain was still there.

"Ohhh shit... These stain? Poom will be upset with me. This shirt was gifted by her. It's first time I wore it".

"I... I'm sorry. I was not aware of this. I will clean your shirt, just give me. I will give you back tomorrow morning". I was really feeling guilty now.

MewGulf /TharnTypeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin