
18 3 0

Showing my true emotions is something I would do to people who I really know wich are my parents but strangers won't even have too look at me to know that I'm not supposed to be messed with but my dad decided it's okay to not even inform me so this was my afternoon after the conversation
------------- 6 hours ago
I immediately stood up and went straight to the gym to at least knock something or someone down so I go grab my things, change and go straight to the punching bag.

I punched, kicked and punched again but harder faster and let all my anger loose until one of the guards thought it was funny to come and pull my hair.

"Hello princess."I smile when I see that is one of my closest friends wich he also works for the castle.

" Shawn!"I screamed and jumped on him.

" You aren't supposed to be back today I thought it was next week. "I say while smiling at him.

" Should I go back-"

" Noo I'm just shocked I guess didn't figure I'd see you on one of my worst days this month."

"He came didn't he?" I nod while continuing punching the bag but eventually stop because I can imagine what he's thinking.

"You know Sofia you should really talk to your parents if you don't want this."

"I know."I sigh then rub my face with my left arm.

"I'll let you umm think about it ."

"okay,see you later oh and don't forget to bring me my mini - pancakes later!"I say while smiling at his retriting back.

"yes will do."He says

So for the rest of the day I decide I was going to hide or should I say ignore him since he's going to sleep over for a few nights. (Yip that's my plan).

---------- Present
So that's what I've been doing for the rest of the day.

Hidding until Shawn tells me that he's finally done making my pancakes and then only will I come out this room otherwise I'm stuck here.

I finally hear a new notification reminding me that he's finally done dressing and only started making it now.

"Uggh."Yip I talk to myself most of the time that's how bored I am so I decide to sleep for like 30 minutes at least until he's done because after eating I should go help my dad with some paperwork so I can know how to at least do some work.

Parents these days. I finally hear another new notification from my phone and see it's from Shawn

Shawn:I'm done making them👍

Sofia:Well that took you long enough, on my way down😏

So I quickly shut my phone of and put on my shoes while attempting to go down the stairs and nearly fall until I feel hands on my waist. I look up and it's no other than the duchbag I've been trying to ignore. So I quickly set myself up and look straight at him with a simple "Thank you."

"Well it's my pleasure your majesty." He says with a stupid smirk on he's handsome face, I mean ugly face.

"Well James you just wasted 5 minutes of my time with just your presence being here."

"Oh sorry I thought you were on your way to see me."He says, he has the nerve to even think I like him.

So I smile and look at him and say" Well I'll think about it next time. "After saying that I push past him and quickly go down the remaining steps to quickly go and eat my pancakes.

And that's how you try and hide from someone you don't wanna meet.
HI there it's me again how'd you like this chapter. I hope it wasn't that bad but please vote and comment and I'll write next time. Oh and I update every Thursday and Monday.

Lots of love

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