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Since I'm the next in line to be queen I actually have to do work in order to actually be one so the next day after the incident with James my dad decided I could have the role of being he's helper for the day.

So I'm here in my throne having to answer people's questions for example of one of the people asked where am I supposed to put my cows if another person wants to cut the grass, its really stupid if you ask me but that's the only example I could find. So one by one people come in.

"Your majesty I just came here to ask when I have to give birth do I have to go to the towns Hospital or the Hospital specifically for pregnant woman?"She says, and can I say that's one stupid question but I can't(laughing at my own joke inside my head)but anyways this was my answer.


"My names Amanda your majesty."

"Well amanda you could actually go to both but the hospital specifically meant for pregnant woman would be best since the practically have every necessity there plus going to the public hospital would just be more of a liability too."

"Thank you your majesty that is all." She says whiles walking out the room. So another comes in and I'm getting more bored*sigh*This is going to be a long day.

-------------6 hours later
"Sofia that's enough everyone leave Now!"Yess I scream internally while thanking my dad because I feel like my ass went paralyzed.

"Sofia can you go with the remaining guards to work out at least I haven't seen you with them the past days." My dad says

"But dad I was with them yesterday."

"No, sweatheart no arguing today your dad's little helper." he says with a smile on he's face while pushing me to the direction of my bedroom to at least change.

I decided to waer a sports bra and spandex. I feel like it's too revealing so I take of the spandex and put tights,oh and take of my make up (one thing about me I'm naturally beautiful).

When I reach the men in the gym I immediately get nervous when I see that James is with them too.So I stand in the corner where I'm hiding and practice breathing.

"Why you hiding here princess?"

"ahhhhhh!"I scream while he's laughing he's laughing on the floor and clutching he's stomach.

" Jeez James never knew you could sense me that quickly with that big nose of yours(ps he doesn't actually have a big nose).

"Well Princess I just thought I should check we were getting impatient."He says while looking at my lips.So I quickly decide to push past him and go stand with the others.

"Okay I see that your all here so let's begin, go and get a partner to fight with." They all stand up and immediately get when but while I'm walking to Shawn I see that one of the other guards quickly run to him so he quickly apologized while I just went to Oscar he too had a partner. I walked to all seven guys and each of them had a partner. So I knew that only one person was left wich was -

"James I guess I'm with you, come let's go and you may all begin."While sighing

"So babe how's life?" He says while I'm throwing my punches.

"Life sucks for your information and don't call me babe."

"Ohh I know u love me,Babe."He says

"Eww I do not." I say while trying to put a disgusted face on.

"Hahhah,do you know how u look trying to pull that look."He says while laughing plus I wasn't even trying.

"Jeez I bet I didn't even look that bad plus I wasn't even trying." After saying that sentence he laughed even more so I just decided to join him. After a couple of seconds I realized we were on the floor with me in his arms,so I quickly stood up and pretended to dust my chlothes off. He too stood up and was just smiling at me.

"Babe you know just the right ways to make a man happy."I quickly look at him and say" Oh James if only I could say the same. "

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