Save Me

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Hey there don't worry the chapter starts after my announcement. I just wanted to type that I am soon going to be publishing a new book.

I can't tell you about it yet your going to have to check it out yourselves but I'm not publishing it yet I'm going to take my time with it during this quarantine, sorry I'm taking my time, em have fun reading 😁.
I literally ran out of his room after saying that and hit myself on the head whilst walking to my room.When I reached it I literally ran to my walk in closet and was throwing all my chlothes around, there was no perfect dress for the ball I would look horrible in the other dress.

I was still looking for one when my mom suddenly ran into my room wish a huge smile on her face and a bag.

"What is it mom?"I say while grumbling under my breath.

"Sofia shut the hell up and come check this out." She says squealing like a high school girl so I stood up and went to her.

"Mom I don't got time for this I have to meet dad like in (checking my watch quickly)30 minutes."

"Oh Sofia just look what I got you isn't it pretty"I literally dropped my jaw the moment she pulled out the dress it was just my size and it wasn't that poofy if you know what I mean.(Ain't it pretty *gushing in the background*)

(Ain't it pretty *gushing in the background*)

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"Mom where did you get this gorgeous thing."

"Oh Sofia it's like you don't know me."She says with a smile on her face"Go try it then you should wear it for the ball, go on I'll be waiting here."I smile and quickly grab the dress and squeeze it to my chest.

When I was done I walked out and looked at my mom's expression I actually thought the dress was horrible on me by my mom's expression her mouth was too low
I quickly ran to my mirror and lemme just say I littrally looked like my mom's twin with the expression I did.

"Mom the dress is beautiful."I say while moving side to side to see it from all angles.

"I know right aren't I the best, come on we should do your make up."

"Thanks mom." I say while smiling at her I could see the sadness in her eyes again so I quickly ran to her and kissed her cheek.

"Mom you know it's over right we'll find him."

"I know I just I can't stop thinking about it."She says with teary eyes so I quickly pull her to my vanity and tell her that we should hurry otherwise dad could get grumpy she smiled and said"ok".

I wish it were over I hated seeing my mom in so much pain,he's going to pay.

After 30 minutes of getting ready I thanked my mom and ran to my dad's office.

"That took you long enou-."

"What do I look bad is it my hair? it's my shoes right?
I'm goi-."

"No it's nothing Sofia it's just you look just like her."He says with a proud smile on his face.

"I know right."He could notice that I didn't want to ruin my makeup with the tears I was about to unleash so he quickly changed the topic."

"OK Sofia did you bring the papers?"

"Yes I did."I say, we went over and over again with our master plan (laughing deviously in my head)we talked like for twenty - five minutes straight and my throat was getting croacky and dry.

"OK were done, you know what to do."

"Yes sir."I say in mock salut, I was thirsty as hell and decided to get myself water and as I was walking I noticed there were alot of people at the kitchen already done with the food and appetizers and etc.

When I reached for a glass I realized I was to short to reach it because all the glasses I usually use has been stolen darn party and no one was even offering to help me like there was literally a really tall guy like seven feet away from me.

"I can help you with that." I turned around and boy was I surprised.

"Hello Sofia."When I met his eyes I literally couldn't breathe and looking around the room I noticed we were alone, I felt like crying again like why was he here at our party I hate him and his stupid smirk the one that would taunt me in my sleep the one that would -

"What are you doing here Diego?"

"I came to see you of course."he said moving an inch closer while pressing myself against the cupboards behind me slowly moving left so I could escape.

"You know your not supposed to be here."

"I know but do you really think I would listen plus to you, you were never in control remember."When he said that I slapped him, I slapped him so hard I hoped he even had memory loss.I didn't even blink yet when all I saw were his eyes the eyes I hated for years while I felt his hands around my neck trying to choke me.I poked his eye and lifted my knee up to his stomach I did it with so much force it looked like he passed out (I wish he did).

"Wow you actually grew a pair and hit me."He said whilst rubbing his eye with his left hand and his stamach with his right. He walked closer to me while I walked backwards I think I was close to the fridge when he reached for something behind him, the fridge he opened it and took out the jug with water in it and poring it in a glass, I don't even remember when he got that.He gulped it down so fast it was like his throat was doing the Olympics. When he was done he put it on the table and looked at me, I felt so paralyzed while he was looking at me like I was there again.

"You know what Sofia."he said while grabbing my wrist and that's when I felt like my body woke up I thrashed in his arms while he's hands were all around me as if trying to remember every piece of me he once had and unexpected... He kissed me and when he did I suddenly wasn't afraid anymore I felt rage all I saw was red I pushed him while he was confused I used that opportunity to punch him straight on the nose and boy did it hurt like a bitch after doing that I saw that he was bleeding and when he saw the blood it's like he too saw red so I quickly dashed to the door I was nearly there when I suddenly tripped I looked up confused and angry when suddenly he was straddling me I screamed so loud I hoped someone could hear me and when I did only then did I realize that the party has already began and no one would hear me.

So I pushed him and kicked him trying to get him off of me when he suddenly pulled my hair I screamed when he did that and started fighting harder, he licked my face dread was all I felt I felt so lost like how could this happen in my own home. He started touching my cleavage, I was literally like a fish on land trying to move faster to the water when suddenly he slapped me so hard I could literally see black dots. I was going to get raped on a kitchen floor on my own party.I could feel him pulling my underwear down and when he did that I kicked him on his face. He punched me a few times as if making sure I knew who I was messing with,I started to see black dots but more of them I couldn't really do much with my body I was too much in shock that my body gave up on me, I felt him enter me and when he did I cried, I would've been sobbing if it weren't for the shock my body was enduring and the realization that we were getting raped.

I could feel him touching me all over until I saw James pushing him off I couldn't see more because I was suddenly pulled into a deep sleep.

And I thought this was not part of the plan.
Don't hate me for this chapter, Every book has a twist *laughing deviously *This is my longest chapter it's like 1531 words, I'm so proud of myself.:-)

How did you like the chapter tho any guesses on who he is please leave it on the comment section some of you might be right but I'm not giving hints tho. And I'm sorry to those of you who did not approve of the rape part I totally understand,But if you want to know continue reading.

Johanna xxx

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