chapter 4

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When a giggling Panchi entered the house, Misha immediately became suspicious and questioned her: Hey birdie, why are you laughing like an idiot? It's because of this behaviour of yours that Abhay has named us all lunatics!

Panchi(dreamily): Really! Abhay calls me a lunatic! What a lovely name!!


Both Misha and Pia stared at her in shock and Misha immediately understood that Panchi is now eyeing Abhay as her latest arm candy and so she shouted at her:

Panchi...!!! Don't tell me that you are now eyeing Abhay! Have you totally lost all shame? He is Pia's love for God's sake!!! At least have shame to not eye your sister's love!!

Panchi: Shut up Misha! Isn't it evident that Abhay never got any happiness from Pia, that's why he keeps dumping her, but she keeps forcing herself on him like a despo! And look he has dumped her here again!


Pia could not take this anymore and gave Panchi a tight slap on her cheeks and warned her:

Stay away from my Abhay. He is mine and only mine. You can have all the other men in Dehradun or even the world, for all I care, but don't you even dare to think about my Abhay!

Panchi: How dare you slap me?? Now let's see who finally wins Abhay!! You in your filthy condition are in no way capable to satisfy his desires, while I can easily do that, so let's see how he is able to resist my charms.

Pia(smirking): Dream on Panchi! From the last few months I have been feeling that you can't get more disgusting than this, and you have been proving me wrong each time. Let's see how low you can stoop Panchi. But Abhay will never be yours. And by the way, next time you dare to call our baby any bad name, Abhay will make sure that those are the last words to ever escape your filthy mouth.

Panchi: Wow. You call me disgusting and what about you who is shamelessly putting the blame of your sin on that poor Abhay. God knows with whom you slept..


But before Panchi could complete her sentence, it was Misha who turned her by force and gave her a tight slap and said: Enough Panchi! We have been bearing up with this disgusting behaviour of yours for months now, but not anymore. I cannot believe that my sister can be so selfish and so cheap. And for your kind information: The whole Dehradun knew that Abhay and Pia were having an affair and Abhay has no doubt that the baby is his, because this is no ordinary baby remember!! Oh, how can you remember what your sister has been going through in the last six months, because you are too busy keeping track of which boy to date and which boy to dump next. So, let me update you, this baby is no ordinary baby because this is a hybrid baby and a hybrid of a human, i.e. Pia and a vampire, i.e. Abhay! Yes, you heard it right! Abhay is a vampire! And the father of Pia's baby! And you better keep your roving eyes off Abhay, as I won't let anyone give any kind of pain to my sister.


Panchi: Why should I still believe you? Abhay was not the only vampire in town and Pia used to spend a lot of time with Sid too!


Both Pia and Misha had enough and gave simultaneous slaps on Panchi's cheeks and said in unison: You are disgusting Panchi! Do whatever you want, but Abhay will never be yours!!


Raichand Mansion


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