chapter 12

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The vampires decided to seek the answers from Maya herself and proceeded towards Raichand Mansion. On reaching the Raichand mansion, they were surprised to hear Pia's voice screaming from inside:"Let me go! I have to finish her off. I have to kill Maithili. I won't rest till I kill her! She has to pay for what she did to me"They also heard Abhay and other Raichands trying to control her saying "Pia, calm down. We all will deal with Maithili together. We will avenge Maya's death together." They were shocked to know that Maya was dead, but then how did the ritual failed. It was Robin who spoke up, "But I can still smell a white witch in there!"


Everyone was confused and decided to seek their answers after going inside. They entered inside and were happy to see Abhay and Pia's son happily playing in Haseena's lap. They were relieved that Maithili's nemesis has arrived in the world safely. While they were still gazing at the baby, Robin's words caught their attention, "How is this possible? How and When did she became a white witch?"


Everyone looked at him in confusion asking him whom he meant when he pointed his finger towards Pia in response and said, "She! She is a white witch now!" Everyone was shocked and wondered how did that happen, but one of the senior most vampires named Sameraaj exclaimed, "Oh! So that explains everything! That explains how and why did the ritual fail"


But the others were still confused, so he proceeded to explain, "It's one of the most ancient and most complicated ancient white witch spells involving both sacrifice as well as revenge. I am surprised that Maya being a new witch could perform this spell, but then I guess may be her powers gave her a premonition about the future and so she mastered the necessary spells."


Abhay and other vampires were growing impatient and not understanding anything, so they exclaimed "Can you explain how Pia became a white witch and how did the ritual fail?" Sameraaj understood their impatience and continued to explain, "Well according to white witch laws, if a white witch dying from a fatal attack uses her remaining powers to save an innocent dying human then her powers get passed on to that human and that human becomes an immortal white witch while the original white witch dies as a normal human. Also, a part of the dying witch soul gets attached to the new witch's soul and so until and unless she avenges the death of the dying witch she can never sit in peace. So that explains the changes in Pia. Maya used her remaining powers to save Pia thus transferring all her powers and a part of her soul to Pia, making her an immortal witch who will never be able to rest till she avenges Maya's death and kills Maithili!"


Everyone was awed at this revelation and Pia herself was shocked to learn about herself. While the Raichands were overcoming this shock, the other vampires asked, "But then how did the ritual fail?"


Sameraaj continued to explain."Because according to the methodology of the ritual, the ritual will be completed only when the sacrificed werewolf and white witch would die completely. Maithili would have never thought of the possibility that Maya could chose to give up her powers while dying and die a normal human, but that's what she did. By transferring her powers completely over to Pia, she became a normal human before dying and so did the blood which Maithili had taken from her. And a normal human blood has no use in the ritual. The white witch whose blood Maithili took, never died, the one who died was a human and that's why the ritual failed."

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