Chapter 3 🌸

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Katsuki looked at the nature reserve in amazement. There was a large field and a forest in the background. There was a huge waterfall and bellow it was a rather large lake that wasn't too deep. Katsuki's ears perked up as his tail was still trembling with adrenaline.
Neko guided him down towards the lake. On the way down he could see some deer trotting around along with some small rabbits frolicking in the lush green grass. In the distance he could hear birds chirping. Once they were down at the lake Neko let go of his hand. His skin where her hand used to be was now cold because of loss of contact. He whimpered slightly but looked down at the water then looked back at Neko. Katsuki still had blood dripping from his shirt.

"You can wash up here. If you need anything then just ask. The water shouldn't be too cold. If you need a new pair of clothes then let me know... I don't think any of mine will fit you but we could try..." Neko said before walking over to a fallen down tree and sat on it.
Katsuki's ears twitch as he takes off his bloodstained shirt. He wasn't too buff but wasn't weak either. He was a nice middle point.

Neko's eyes drifted over to the male as she seems to become... distracted... as she stares at Katsuki. Katsuki slowly makes his way into the water. It felt nice, not too cold and not to hot. It was a nice warm feeling. He laid down in the water, relaxing.
Neko continues to watch until a familiar deer came up to her and rested his head upon her lap.
"Aww, hello Liam...!" Neko said happily as she pet the deer's head.

(You guys are either gonna love... or hate Liam... just a heads up-)

The deer leaned into her touch, liking the feeling of being pet. He then lifted his head off of her and turned into a human with deer ears, antlers, and a fluffy deer tail. He had pale skin, light brown freckles, dark brown hair, with forest green eyes and fluffy deer ears with antlers upon his head.

 He had pale skin, light brown freckles, dark brown hair, with forest green eyes and fluffy deer ears with antlers upon his head

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He climbed onto the fallen tree then sat down next to Neko

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He climbed onto the fallen tree then sat down next to Neko. "Hello M'Lady~ How has your morning been so far?" He asked in a formal tone.
"I've been doing great Liam. How about you?" Neko responded with a smile.

"Well M'Lady, the herd and I have been wondering who the... 'new guy' is and how long he'll be staying. He is a wolf which means he is a predator to almost all the animals in the reserve." Liam states his problem, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Well.... I don't know how long he is staying but I think he'll want to stay. He seems really nice... Plus he saved me from Drake...." Neko mumbles the last part but Liam heard.

"Drake was here?!" Liam exclaimed worried, his ears lowering themselves as his eyes widen in surprise and fear.

Katsuki's ears twitched at the word but he continues to keep his eyes closed while relaxing in the water.

"Shhh Liam... No need to worry. Katsuki saved me...." Neko said then explained to Liam everything that happened.

"I-I can't believe that happened to you M'Lady..... I'm terribly sorry I wasn't there to help! I should have been there! From now on I'll stay by your side no matter what!" The adorable deer boy declares as he quickly stands up, but ends up tripping over his own feet as he stumbles a bit but quickly regains his balance.

Neko chuckles softly. "No need. Katsuki was there and he seems really loyal. We have no need to worry. I'm sure Drake isn't coming back anytime soon."

Liam's ears perked up at her chuckles. So soft and gentle.... and her purring..... It soothes him no matter what type of situation they where in....
And he loved that about her.

(...probably why majority of my followers like Neko-)

They then heard a deer calling from a distance. Liam's ears perked up. "The herd... Then need me. I'll come back M'Lady, I promise!" Liam said before nuzzling Neko gently on the cheek. He then turned back into his deer form then leaped towards the forest.

Neko giggles softly, watching as Liam ran off, before turning her attention back towards Katsuki.

Katsuki was now climbing out of the water. He had finished rinsing his shirt of the blood stains and hung it upon a nearby tree branch to dry. He then walked over to a patch of sunlight that was shining down upon the soft lush green grass. He laid down in the sunlight, sort of curling up into a ball, wrapping his long fluffy wolf tail around himself as he bathed in the warm sunlight.
Neko climbed off the tree then slowly walked over and sat down next to Katsuki. His ears twitch indicating he sensed her presence. Neko looked at the ash blonde her blue eyes glancing over him.
Neko then hesitantly lays down next to him. Katsuki opens his eyes as he felt her lay down next to him, then locks eyes with her. Once again, ruby red eyes stare into a pool filled with galaxies and stars. Then a flash of blue darts across his vision as a blue butterfly lands on Katsuki's nose. His eyes widen in surprise as he lets out a small yelp of shock.
Neko giggles then gently takes the butterfly off his nose, placing it down somewhere safe. Katsuki calms down then suddenly wraps his tail around Neko's waist, keeping her close.
Now both Katsuki and Neko were laying in the grass facing eachother, Katsuki's tail wrapped around her. Both stared into each other's eyes. Neko eyes linger down to Katsuki's chest as she sees multiple scars and bruises. Neko hovers her hand over one of his scars. Katsuki flinches expecting her to hurt him. She notices him flinch as his tail unwraps from her. Neko suddenly intertwined her tail with his.

(Like holding hands or hugging but with tails instead)

Katsuki looks down at their tails before looking back at Neko. Her tail felt so delicate... Infact everything about her felt so delicate and fragile, as though anything could break her. Neko purrs softly, hoping it would make him feel better. Katsuki grew curious before trying to imitate her purring sound as he made a wolffish purring sound that sounded more like a rumbling noise. Neko smiles up at Katsuki, thinking his attempt was rather cute as she lets out a small giggle.
Katsuki blushes slightly before moving closer to her and nuzzling into her chest which causes Neko's face to turn a pinkish red as her face heat up. After a few seconds she starts to gently run her hand through his hair. His ears perk towards her as he continues to nuzzle her, purring with his eyes closed.
His tail rubs gently against hers causing Neko to rub hers against his as well.
Katsuki then started rubbing his tail more roughly against hers as he opened his eyes, all his focus on their tails.

(....Tails are the most sensitive part of their body)

Neko's eyes widened slightly as she blushed a deep shade if red.

Katsuki eventually moved to nuzzling her neck. Neko let out a squeak which cause Katsuki to stop and send her a confused look. His eyes round with confusion and curiosity.
Neko forced away her blush and simply pat him on the head continuing to purr. Katsuki then went back to nuzzling her neck but did it more gently as his tail rubs against hers less aggressively. He tried to make a soothing purring sound, hoping it would make up for him startling her.
They eventually settle down, both of their tails still intertwined. They look into each other's eyes once more. Once again Katsuki seemed to get lost into the ice blue pools filled with galaxies and stars.

//1221 words! Yay! And all you guys are amazing! Here have a cookie! 🍪


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