Chapter 6 🌸

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Katsuki was still clinging to Neko.
"Katsuki... you should eat..." Neko says softly to him.
But his eyes remained closed as he nuzzles more into her chest...

He then opened his eyes to look at the plate, then looked at Neko... managing to speak.

"W-What a-ab-out y-you...?" He asked.

Neko gave him a comforting smile. "Don't worry... I'm not hungry." Neko said softly.

Katsuki looked concerned... His grip on her tightened as he noticed that her waist could fit perfectly in his hands. She was.... small..... He didn't know how to describe it...

Neko squeaked.

Katsuki quickly loosened his grip as his ears flattened, indication he was sorry.
"Hey.. it's okay... no need to be afraid..." She said softly as she noticed his ears flatten. Katsuki looked up at her... managing to put a small smile on his face as he kissed her chin multiple times.
Neko blushes slightly.
"N-Now... you should eat.." Neko says softly.

Katsuki soon got off of her then started eating the stack of waffles that was on the plate.
Neko got up off the couch. She then grabbed the keys to the house and her wallet.
"I'm going to go shopping okay...? You stay here okay... I don't wanna risk bringing you in public....." Neko says softly as she opens the front door then walks out.

Katsuki finishes his waffles, leaving one waffle on the plate for when Neko comes back. He soon curled up on the couch and decided to sleep.

Liam finished eating his strawberries, carrots, and waffles then went back out to the nature reserve....

Liam's POV sort of-)

It had been about an hour sense Neko had left... But Liam didn't put much thought into it.

He laid in the grass, enjoying the sun while looking at butterflies.
He then perked his ears up as he heard... sounds... coming from the house.

He heard whimpers....


A... voltage shock...?

More whimpering... and banging...

A lot of thump sounds.....

Then a loud whimper....

All of the whimpers seemed to be made by Katsuki...

But Liam couldn't make out a second voice that her heard...

Then silence........

He slowly walked inside to see a sight that he could not un-See....

He saw a large black lion pinning down a guy who had half white, half red hair. A part of his face looked like it had been scarred but looked as if the scar had recently been torn open.... like... a few minutes ago recent...

He then looks over a sees Katsuki in the ground whimpering with what looked to be fresh bruises along his body... but he was covering himself with a blanket.

Liam surprisingly stayed calm. He recognized the Lion. It was Neko. But she only turned into a lion when she absolutely needed to. Also... Why was she pinning this guy down...? I mean obviously he had broken into the house but.... why...?

He then looked back over to Katsuki and noticed that there was a shock collar on him... there was a tag on it that said...

Katsuki Bakugou
Property of Shoto Todoroki

Liam finally put the pieces together.

Katsuki's previous owner had come to retrieve what is rightfully his... But Liam wasn't an idiot. Neither was Neko. Those bruises were fresh.... and nobody else could have given those bruises to Katsuki besides this Shoto guy....
Neko seemed to be yelling at Shoto.

Once she finished yelling Liam walked over with a bowl of water and a rag along with a couple healing herbs that were soaked in the water which made it a greenish color.
"M'Lady... I'll handle our little 'guest'. You take care of Katsuki..." Liam says as he kneeled down next to Shoto who was too shocked to speak.

Neko deactivates her lion form then walks over to Katsuki.

Liam froze as he noticed a certain smell......


Liam then noticed a shock collar around Neko's neck as well...

Liam was clueless about what happened... all he knows is that he needs to help in what ever way possible.

Liam chuckles softly. "I see M'Lady opened up your wound...." Liam said softly to Shoto. Shoto simply grunted.
Liam held up the rag which caused Shoto to flinch.
"It's just herbal water... no need to be afraid..." Liam said in a gentle tone. Liam then handed the rag to Shoto.
"Here... I'll let you do it. Just make sure to apply pressure to the wound... if you need an extra rag then just ask.... I'll get you an extra pair of clothes." Liam says as he stands up then starts walking to his room. Her grabs an oversized shirt and some shorts along with the other things that guys wear. Liam walks back out to see that Katsuki no longer had a shock collar but Neko still had one on her neck. Liam handed the clothes to Shoto and allowed him to change in privacy. Once Shoto came back out in his new clothes Liam walked up to him.

"Hey Sir...? I know you just tried to do abusive things to Katsuki... and I know that M'Lady attacked you...... But do you think you could possibly get the shock collar off of M'Lady... also do you know who put it on her...?" Liam asked in a surprisingly nice voice.

"I'm sorry but I do not know who put it on her... but I can get get it off if she'll allow me to approach her without attacking..." Shoto responds to Liam.

Neko happens to over hear the conversation. But she stayed near Katsuki, not leaving his side. Katsuki was whimpering while hiding under a blanket. He didn't want to be touched but he still wanted to be comforted... he was afraid and confused and scared.

Liam also got clothes for Katsuki then handed them to him.
Neko sighed then hesitantly walked over to Shoto.
Shoto hovered his hand over the collar then it turned to ice. He then easily broke the collar.
Once the collar was off Katsuki had already put on the new pair of clothes.

"Thank you but your going to have to leave..." Neko said to Shoto.
He simply nodded then left.

".......Well he seemed nice..." Liam said jokingly.
Katsuki was still whimpering as he was once again curled up on the floor.

Neko sighs before going over to Katsuki and sitting down next to him. Katsuki immediately clung to her, whimpering loudly.

Neko gently ran her hand through his hair....... but that wouldn't calm him down...


She intertwined their tails... which caused Katsuki to suddenly calm down and relax. Katsuki gently rubbed his tail against hers... as if thanking her. Her tail curled around his protectively. Katsuki nuzzles into her chest, hiding his face...

It had been a long day...... and they hadn't even had lunch yet.......

//1147 words.....

//Also I know that there were a lot of dark topics. There were also a lot of dark topic in the original roleplay but they sort of got forgotten because of all the good things that happen...

//.....Also please don't hate me for making Shoto the bad guy. I just went with what we did in the original roleplay. This is pretty much the last you see of Shoto..... But there are still multiple other bad things that happen..... So don't worry... The adventure isn't over yet!

//I know that it gets dark... but I did try to lighten it up a bit.... which is why I added just enough details to wear you guys would get the hint of what happened.... I didn't want to be tooo detailed...


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