Saved by Song

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I turned my surround sound up as far as it would go, tears streaming down my cheeks as I put on a black shirt and dark blue jeans. I hurt so bad. I just wanted it to end, right now, right here. On my own terms. I made my bed, did my laundry and folded everything up neatly. I wanted everything to look serene, I needed it to, or I would chicken out and lose my mlnd. I gave a little hiccuping sigh and smile faintly as Demons by Imagine Dragons played on the radio through my surround sound system. It seems like the radio knows exactly what songs to play, at certain times.

I cleaned and put everything to order. I was waiting for sunset. I wanted to see the beautiful oranges, reds and golds mix withe the vibrant pinks, purples and blues of the sky one last time. I sorted through my CDs, arranging them alpgabetically. I did the same with my movies and my books. I smiled and stroked the cover of House of Hafes by Rick Riordan. I had first read his Percy Jackson series as a girl and kept them all through highschool and college. Once I fell in lve with a book or series, there was no letting them go.

Next, I went through all of my drawings, paintings and sculptures. I smiled fondly at the picture of my little girl. I had adopted a sweet little baby girl, named her Bella. Then, when she was just a sweeet, cute little girl with milk chocolate eyes and mahogany hair, she was taken from me. Some sick bastard abused her, then killed her and left her fast cooling body on my steps. It broke me. I could barely put her in her favourite blue dress one last time, before she was cremated and I said goodbye. All I had left of my little girl was ashes and memories, a picture and her stuffed kitty.

Finally, I was done organizing everything. I opened my balcony doors wide, and closed my eyes as the wind tugged at my hair caressed my face. I opened them and watched the sun set, watched as Apollo painted the sky with beautiful, breathtaking colors. I stepped to the railing, was about to jump, when a song came on.

"It's late at night, and I can't sleep

Missing you just runs too deep

Oh can't breathe, thinking of your smile

Every kiss I can't forget

This aching heart ain't broken yet

Oh god, I wish I could make you see

Cause I know this flame isn't dying

So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that maybe it's time for micracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

No, I ain't giving up on us

I just want to be with you

Cause living is so hard to do

When all I know is trapped inside your eyes

The future I can not forget

This aching heart ain't broken yet

Oh god, I wish I could make you see

Cause I know this flame isn't dying

So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

Baby can you feel it coming?

You know I can hear it, hear every soul

Baby when you feel me feeling you

You know it's time

Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that maybe it's time fot miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

No, I ain't giving up

No, I ain't iving up on us"

The song ended and I backed away from the balcony. I cried throughout the entire song. It spoke to me, and the parts where the singer says "It's late at night, and i can't sleep/Missing you just runs too deep/Oh I can't breathe, thinking of your smile." It perfectly fit me. Missing my little girl just ran too deep for me to sleep easily. Who was the guy who sang this song? I needed to know. I couldn't stop crying, bits of the song echoing inside my mind. I dried my tears and calmed down. I got out my laptop and went to Bing. I typed in the words "time for miracles lyrics." Results popped up and I saw that was by an American Idol runner up named Adam Lambert.

I decided rigjt then, that I was going to buy every song he ever recorded. I went to ITunes and started downloading his songs.

Time For Miracles ~Adam Lambert Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now