Meet & Greet

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  • Dedicated to Adam Lambert

A few months later

I hugged my new Adam Lambert CD album to my chest as I waited in line. I was at a meet and greet where he would be signing CDs and listening to stories of how his music changed some of our lives. Just one more person, then it would be my turn to meet my savior. The woman in front of me moved on and I stepped up. He was gorgeous. He was probably one of the very few men who could wear makeup without looking weird. He smiled and I held my CD with shaking hands. He noticed and smiled gently.

"You alright miss...?" He asked.

"Fira." I murmured. "I'm Fira. It's nice to meet you." He smiled at me and grabed a silver sharpie and stated to sign the CD case.

"It's nice to meet you. So did my music change your life?" I nodded.

"May I ask how Fira?" I nodded again and closed my eyes as I told him. I told him of my little girl and how hard her death was on me. I told him of how a few years later of how I attempted to end it all. And finally, I told him of how his song stopped me and that after that I bought all of his songs that I could.

He looked at me with understanding and handed me my newly signed CD. I said thank you and was about to go, when he stopped me. I raised my head to look at him, wondering what he wanted.

"Could I have your phone number Fira? You seem like a nice woman and I want to let you know that I'll be very glad if we could be friends." I nodded, smiling a bit.

"Sure. Just hand me your phone real quick." I winced a little at how raspy and low my voice had gotten. I rarely spoke to people.He gave me his phone and handed him mine. I quickly typed in my name and number, then gave it back to him. He smiled and gave me mine. Then he surprised me by giving me a hug. I felt some of the ache in my soul fade a llittle. I guess I needed that.

"Thank you." I whispered, my voice raspy with unshed tears and under use. He nodded and released me. I walked toward the door before giving him a little wave and a small smile. I stepped outside and it was snowing gently, tiny flakes dancing in the snow. "Bella loved to play in the snow." I thought and felt a prick in my chest. But it was not as sharp as it had once been. I suppose it did me good to tell someone after years of keeping it all locked away like stolen pearls.


I popped my CD into my player and the apartment was filled with Adam's beautiful voice. I smiled and felt my soul lighten up a little again. I opened my eyes. When had I closed them? Oh well. I walked into the kitchen and started making ginger bread cookies in the shape of music notes. I did this every Christmas. It was a tradition left over from my days with my Capella group. I smiled fondly. Hailie had married Grant and now had a babe on the way, Silena and Charlie were still dating, Zoe was engaged to Alyx and Winter was just being herself and lived with Hallie and Grant.

Damn, I missed them so much. I put the cookies in the oven and went to go wrap and box everyone's gifts. If I sent them now, they should be there two days before Christmas. I set Hallie and Grant's sculpture of entwined dragons in their box, making sure it had planty of bubble wrap. I set the card on top of the bubble wrapped figurines and sealed the box shut with packing tape. Silena and charlie each got a painting of them, styled as angels, Zoe and Alyx were to receive personalized music CDs that I had made by burning their favourite songs onto blank Cds.

And Winter got a figurine of a beautiful Elf woman riding a snowy colored Dragon. I smiled as I wrapped each one. I really hope they enjoyed my gifts. I addressed each box in careful, neat handwriting and set them by my door. Then I went to check on the cookies. Just a few more minutes until they were done, then I could let them cool before icing them. My phone range and I picked it up.


"Hey Fira, how're you doing?" I smiled. It was Adam.

"I'm fine. Just baking music note ginger bread cookies and sending Christmas gifts to capella group." I replied.

"Really? You sing?" I gave a small laugh.

"Yes. I sang professionally. We were an official capella group. We called ourselves the Fly Aways." He hummed in interest.

"Why the Fly Aways?" He asked.

"Well, at the time each f us was being stressed with something that we felt was holding us back and we always said that we wanted to fly away. We wanted to be free." I explained.

"That's deep." He sad.

"Yeah. It was also inspired by this one song that went 'give me the beat boys, and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock n roll and drift away.'" I sang the lyrics instead of saying them like most people would do.

"You've got a beautiful singing voice Fira." That warmed my cheeks. And my heart if I'm honest.

"Thank you. Listen, I hate to hang up, but my cookies will burn if I don't get off the phone." I said. He laughed a little.

"No, no. Go get your cookies. Burnt ginger bread isn't the best. I'll call you later Fira."

"Okay. Later Adam." I smiled and hung up. I took my cookies out and set them on the cooling racks. I let them cool while I made the blue, white chocolate frosting and got the sprinkles out. Once they were cool, i decorated them and put them on a plate, then put it in the fridge. I did that to make sure the frosting didn't fall off. I finally went to bed at around 12:00 after turning my surround sound off and putting my CD safely away.

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