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I DON'T REMEMBER FALLING ASLEEP but I do remember waking up as Hannah is on top of me telling me to get dressed.

"Why? It is a Sunday morning let me sleep."

"Afternoon...Sunday Afternoon, sis." Hannah said

"Why do I need to get dressed?" I asked.

"Because Grandma is coming to visit."

"What the hell I want to sleep."

"Aunt Rage is coming too."

As soon as I hear it I rushed to the bathroom and striped down less than a minute after I was standing under the hot shower and after five minutes I got dressed and ready.

"Wow you look clean sis."Hannah snickered as I stepped out of the shower. I made a face at her and began to dry my hair. Aunt Rage is my favourite in the whole entire world unlike her name she is all sweet and loving and she always brings me my favorite candy: Twix chocolate, she even made me a Twix cake on my sixteenth birthday.

Rage is twelve years older than me, so yeah she saw me grow up and I saw her grow he grow up. Thus we are closer to one another, more than Hannah or Kate could ever be to either of us. Most of the best-moments-replayed in my mind are those with her, us painting an odd figure which may be a buoy or a ship or a person as you like to interpret. Us in the garden playing hide and seek. Us listening to songs. Us reading. Us everywhere, me and her everywhere, Cath and Rage everywhere.

She is also my favourite human because she introduced me to Fangirl which is my favorite book because well the main character and I share a name, Cath and it is good to read because it looks as though the characters are talking to me.

"Mom is Rage coming?" I ran to the kitchen where my mum was making Hannah another Egg, god that girl and her eggs.

"Yes, grandma is coming too."

"Okay, I am going out will come ASAP."I said and ran to the parking lot to pick up my bicycle, I want. I went to buy some tulips for Rage, her favorite because she is my favorite, and I bought some apples for grandma too, because I am feeling saintly.

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