The beginning of a friendship

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Vela has a phobia.A phobia you probably never heard of.Its called Teraphobia. The fear of monsters.Its a phobia most children grow out of,but when where you live is a place with very real threats(like monsters)it tends to stick around longer.Vela also likes gardening,all though every time she does,she cheats.She uses her healing powers to make the plants grow faster.Sadly,that's as far as she has gotten with assist magic,or,as they call it on Valianta, Cymorth magic.When she was picking flowers one day,she made eye contact with a Horn-ram.One rule about Rammies(plural for Horn-ram)is that you never,EVER make eye contact with them.Its the reason farmers put blindfolds on them.If you do make eye contact,you have a 60% chance of dying. Rammies have extremely bushy fur as thick as steel,which makes it hard to see their eyes,(Thankfully)but if you do,you'll learn why they call them Rammies. Male Rammies have curled up horns,which they use to fight others for impressing females,but they use it for those who see their eyes too,but the females are only worse.The females horns are uncurled and extremely sharp.For a second,Vela thought the Horn-ram didn't notice,but the Horn-ram started to run at her.Instantly,Vela bolted out of there,terrified for her life.She was running as fast as she ever did,but the Horn-ram was practically close enough to braid her hair.Vela's life flashed before her,she remembered when she started going to school,when her grandma died,when she fell in mud,only the most important times.But the slamming of hooves on the floor stopped,and the Horn-ram disintegrated.In the ash of the monster was a 20-ish looking guy.He had blond hair,and was wearing a white shirt with a red vest on top of it.The most intriguing part about him,however,was his sword.The sword was made out of dragon scales,and was emitting a yellow energy.The energy was coming from inside the sword,and it was only visible because on the sword,There was a word etched in Valiantese. While Valiantese was a very ancient language,Vela could understand some of it.From what Vela could tell,it said OVERLORD."Hi,i'm Adionas,who are you?"He said.

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