Malus's Quest

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Malus woke up in some kind of theater.All around him were fake swords,costumes and masks.

"Oh no."He said with realization.

"Hey,kiddo!"A voice behind him said excitedly.

Malus turned around to see a man wearing a suit that was black on one side and white on the other side.He had the same eye color and hair color than Malus. Malus then sighed.

"Hi Zeros."Malus said.

Malus looked angry, but Zeros, the god of every kind of magic, smiled at his anger.

"Look,kiddo, the reason i saved you from that fall of yours is because I have a job for you."Zeros said

"Why don't you get Leobas to do it,he is your favorite after all."Malus said with spite in his voice.

"Well lately, Terraz trapped him in a temple,and since he is so much more powerful than me i'm just gonna hide here."Zeros responded."I do have something that should help you on this quest,Though!"

Zeros handed Malus a golden dagger that had many gems on it.

"This is Leobas's  dagger!"Malus looked up at Zeros."Why are you giving this to me?"

"The road is dangerous, kiddo."Zeros said

"Anyway, I need you to find the third hero." He continued.

"The third hero?"Malus said."But there are already three of us."

Zeros laughed maniacally.

"One of you isn't what they seem."Zeros said."Toodles!"

Zeros snapped his fingers and Malus fainted.When Malus woke up again,He was falling out of the sky.

"Oh,C'mon."He screamed as he fell out of the sky.

end of book 1

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