Enter Malus

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Vela and Adionas were walking for hours before finally setting up camp.Vela was seriously tired,but she couldn't fall asleep,there was too much to think about.Vela,rightfully,didn't trust Adionas. There was so much mystery behind him,like his mysterious sword,where he learned to fight like that and,seriously,who in the name of Galaxia was he?There was one line of the prophecy she kept thinking about."THREE HEROES OF DIFFERENT LEGACIES."Vela had a long legacy,Her ancestor was Vizionia. There were a lot of reasons to hate this fact.One,its the reason people from Moru village hated her so much,even her mother,and two,she has random blackouts giving her visions from the future.She wondered what Adionas's legacy is for most of the night,until she finally did fall asleep.Sadly it didn't last very long.All of a sudden,there was a large boom,and then smoldering heat.Vela got out of the tent,it was 3 am. There was a huge blaze in the clearing they settled in. Adionas was slashing at the sky,where a very bright magenta light was speeding over him. A fire bomb came from the magenta light and exploded into another blaze."Stop it,you'll attract ghosts!"Screamed Vela. She had a huge fear of ghosts,as she did with most monsters."Oh don't worry darling."Vela almost screamed,the voice came from a person who looked 17,only a little older.He had black hair,a red scarf and a big,blue coat."I already took care of them."He finished. Adionas ran at him with his sword and slashed,but the man turned bright magenta and zipped away,into the sky.He then appeared behind Adionas."Oh,how rude of me,I forgot to introduce myself,hi,i'm Malus and I will be robbing you tonight."He mockingly said.He then threw another fire bomb.It exploded midair.Vela was horrified,but through her fear,she saw a tattoo on him,it looked like a scabbard carved into a jewel."That's the mark of Leobas,You're a descendant of him!"Vela yelled. Leobas was the god of trickery,he stole jewels and treasures from all the other gods. Malus covered the tattoo with his sleeve."So what?"Malus responded,he seemed annoyed,perhaps he didn't like being related to a god,either. All of a sudden,a huge roar came from the distance."MALUS,I found you!"It came from a Wyvern. Malus cussed in Valiantese."That's Waiban,King of the Wyverns!"Malus exclaimed,he was sweating extremely hard. Waiban swooped down to grab Malus,but Vela tackled Malus out of the way. Malus looked surprised for a second,but then he made an angry look."I don't need your help!"Malus said,then he pushed Vela off  of him. Malus put his arm in the air,and a ring of bright magenta surrounded it. He then waved his arm at Waiban and the ring flew at him,which cut his wing off. Waiban fell to the ground,but recovered extremely quickly.He then ran at Malus."I give you a place to sleep,and you repay me by stealing my most precious treasures,making me fly half was across Alius,and cutting off part of my wing!well how about I repay you,you thieving little-"He was cut short by Adionas stabbing his sword into the Wyvern's head. As Waiban's screams grew louder and louder,Adionas pushed his sword farther into his head. Eventually,Waiban turned into ash."Hey you."Adionas said. This struck more fear into Malus then Waiban did."You're coming with us to Matrido cove." Malus was clearly afraid,but he tried to sound unfazed."Fine,but your paying."

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