skygulls are the worst

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Vela was terrified of monsters,every time they saw a monster on their way to Matrido bay,Vela ducked down,and started crying. The one thing she was more scared of,however,was heights. That's why she was sweating bullets when she got on the sky ship."You said you were heading to the mountain of thunder,right?"The captain asked."Yep."Adionas responded.Vela could tell that every one around Adionas was scared of him.Even though he saved her and Malus so many times,she still didn't trust him.Only 3 hours into the flight,Vela passed out(that's a new record for her!)but it wasn't because of air sickness.The mark of Vizionia(A big,purple eye)started to glow a bright purple,causing her to pass out."Oh boy,a vision."she thought as she passed out.First,she saw three hovering people,the center one wearing a cape.Then she saw her and Adionas falling out of the sky,but Malus was no where in sight.Then she saw a huge giant trudging towards a mountain in the distance.Lastly,she saw a volcano surrounded by hundreds of factories.She was awaken by the distant scream of,"Get off me you stupid bird!"

Vela woke up to see that she was suspended in the sky and was being carried off by a bird.She,of course,started screaming."Oh,skygulls are the worst!"The captain screamed as he shot one with a bow. Malus looked at Vela as if he was aiming a gun at her,he then turned into a zip of bright Magenta and all of a sudden,Vela was on the ship again.She then started vomiting out of the nervousness of being dragged by a monster into the sky,and also moving at the speed of light.The two birds came back down again,but this time the Captain's crew came out with fully loaded crossbows and straight up guns."Men,fire at will!"The captain yelled.The next few minutes involved birds getting shot out of the sky and people getting dragged off to Galaxia knows where.Then a huge gust of wind started blowing the crew mates off,then the captain.Strangely,though,The wind didn't affect Vela Malus or Adionas. Then three people came out of the sky,one of them was looking at Adionas with great confusion."Do I know you?"He asked Adionas."Shut up Drizzulus,I do the talking."The one in the middle said.Vela was scared,because these were the three people she saw in her vision."Since you killed all my skygulls,we have to take matters into my hands."The middle one said

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