The skill of Cymorth vs the three cloud kings

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Being held hostage wasn't the fairest way to say it.They were treated nicely for three days.Sadly,that was in preparation for Adionas to fight a thunder bird. Windus,The most powerful cloud king,was obsessed with bird monsters,His only non-bird monster was his pet Lion-dog.Lion-dogs were the creation of Blazon,hence their fire breathing powers,they were one of the most powerful monsters in Valianta. Vela and Malus were kept in a room together,while Adionas was being held in Windus's dungeon/bird zoo in preparation for the battle he was supposed to fight in four hours. Vela and Malus have tried making a plan,but every time they do,Windus appears and shuts them down. He could hear them every time because wind his every where,that meant they couldn't use paper either,because he could still see it.

2 hours until battle

While Vela hated being in the cloud kingdom,the food was wonderful."You're probably wondering why you're here,my friends."Windus said. Malus tried to respond,except he was cut off by Windus."Did I give you permission to talk!"Windus screamed."You have permission to talk."Halio,the god of hail said."He does not,i'm in charge here you dimwit!"Windus yelled."Dad made this kingdom for the three of us!"Halio yelled back. Windus made a horribly angry look,then he breathed in,raised his arm,pointed it at Halio,and shot him with a gust of wind so strong that it launched him into the wall."Forgive my brother,he used to own the cloud kingdom before I asserted my dominance."Windus said."What's under the arena?"asked Vela. Windus made an intimidating smile."Only the greatest monsters of all time,I've saved a monster for this occasion."Windus said."And what would that be?"Vela asked."Only the strongest monster of all,the thunder bird."

30 minutes until battle

Vela and Malus had been placed on a viewing platform to watch the match from. Vela had thought of many ways to get out of the cloud kingdom.Then she remembered,she was related to Vizionia. Vizionia could send messages and visions to others. Vela was not good with her powers,at all,but she had to try. Vela started to concentrate as hard as possible.That's when her "birth mark"started glowing(the mark of Vizionia). She heard a voice in her head."Who would you like to message?"the voice said.Vela now had an advantage over Windus,and god dang it she was gonna use it.

5 minutes until battle

Adionas was still stuck in his cage.For the past four hours he's heard the non-stop squawking of birds who have been in the cages much longer than him. It seemed that even though Windus liked birds, he treated them horribly. Many of them were starving and damaged.

2 minutes until battle

The sky guards brought Malus and Vela to a viewing area of the battle that would soon take place. Adionas was then dragged on to the battle field. While Vela would probably be begging for mercy, Adionas looked slightly annoyed. Windus looked like he was about to pop a vein.

"I told you idiots to starve him!"He yelled.

"We did sir." One of the Sky-guards responded.

Windus looked like he was about to say something, but then he just started screaming in rage.

"Whatever then." He said. "Let the battle begin!"

The crowd roared as the  thunder bird was dragged on to the field.After the bird was unleashed, Adionas was walloped.The thunder bird moved so fast,Adionas couldn't touch him.That's when Vela enacted her plan. The mark of Vizionia started glowing brightly."Who would you like to send a message too?" a voice said in her head."Adionas."she responded.Vela then experienced the worst headache she ever had.

"Adionas!"She yelled. 

Adionas looked around in confusion.

"This is a mind message, under the arena are the bird cages,if you free them,there will be enough panic for us to escape!"She messaged.

Adionas put his sword up to the sky and got as much energy as he could,and then stabbed it into the ground,causing an earthquake in the sky.

The birds flew from there cages and  started attacking Windus. Vela and Malus jumped down to the arena. Windus flew down to the Arena to meet them

"A couple of birds won't stop me!"he said.

"Yeah,but i'm sure this will!" Malus yelled

Malus charged at Windus and tried to stab him, but Windus blew him away.

Adionas charged his sword and then shot a burst of energy at him, but Windus moved so fast that it looked like he was using teleportation. 

He then  zipped right next to Adionas and back hand slapped him to the other side of the crumbling arena.

Vela knew she had to help her two friends or else they would never escape here.

She concentrated all her power into her hands, then she blasted Adionas and Malus.

The two of them started glowing brightly,and they got right up again.

They charged at Halio and Drizzulus and slashed them with their weapons, making them dissolve into god dust.

Vela then ran up to Windus.

"Guys, throw me your weapons!"she yelled.

Without hesitation,the threw their weapons at Vela.

Vela grabbed Adionas's sword and Malus's knife.

She then used her Cymorth magic to supercharge the two weapons.

She jumped up to where Windus was floating and slashed him with the weapons.

Sadly,this didn't kill him, it only made him angry.

He unleashed an enormous windstorm and knocked all of them out of the now completely destroyed arena.

They then started falling out of the sky.

This,of course,was a part of Vela's vision.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Vela looked around frantically,trying to find Malus,but he was nowhere to be found.

Then the thunder bird and all the other birds grabbed them and started flying away.

"Where are they taking us?"asked Vela.

"To Thunder Mountain." Responded Adionas.

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