Fox 8

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(Working at a hospital and dealing with rapidly increasing Covid cases, though thankfully not directly with patients but still with infected things, is exhausting. Been so out of it recently. Praise to all the nurses and doctors out there managing it, and PLEASE, don't be stupid. Stay away from other people and wash your darn hands. It's not healthy people they are worried about, it's healthy people not showing symptoms and deciding it's fine to be around others still or getting sick and taking respirators from those who really need them. Stay home. Read this chapter. Find more books. Pet your dogs. Pet your cat (and possibly get bitten for it) and Eat two bowls of cereal... *chews cereal*

Also, happy birthday to my stubborn dog, Pepperjack Cheese, who is now 1 :D) 


Shut up. 

"Come on. I finally figured out who you are, now why don't you shift and talk to me, kid?" Noah said as he leaned forward on his elbows. 

Fox had his ears pinned back against his head and was very close to breaking his recently-new policy concerning not biting the guy. He'd been calling him Adam all morning and even withheld lunch when Fox refused to acknowledge the name. 

Why would I shift just because you know the name my human self used to be called? What's the benefit? Are you going to feed me? Oh right, you already do when you aren't being stubborn. Look, see? No benefit. 

Grunting, Fox wandered over to the far corner, as far away from Noah's desk as possible, and curled up to take a nap. Thankfully, Noah let him be after an overly-dramatic sigh. The guy spent the rest of the day doing interviews and working on random things Fox didn't care about on his laptop. As the sun began to set, he finally sat up, uncomfortable with a very full bladder and very empty stomach. He'd needed to go for most of the day, but he was mad at Noah... but not mad enough to pee on the carpet. 

This has been such an entertaining day. I rediscovered some person I used to be, with the unhelp of my whatever-he-is, and have been bored to death staring at a wall.

"Ready to go, Adam?" 

You do realize that saying that name five-hundred times won't make me respond to it anymore than if you don't say it all, right? No? I didn't think so. 

Fox glanced sideways at Noah and twitched his nose, but didn't get up. 

And no, give me a minute. I need to pack up my briefcase and clean up my work space. Oh wait. I did nothing all day. I guess I'm ready to go, not that you addressed me, though, so I'll wait until you do.

"You're really going to be this stubborn? You do realize that I can call the police right now and have child services come get you? If the rest of the information on that old Amber Alert is valid, then you aren't even eighteen yet." 

Congratulations, you can read. 

 Noah paused by the door, a look of shock, then dread spread over his face before he returned his wide stare to Fox. 

Oh? Am I about to be entertained? That expression is hinting that I am. Let's hear it, buddy.

"Oh god. I was naked in front of a minor." 

Really? Oh no. Let me just pretend people don't bump uglies in the park after hours. Or behind the bakery on Fifth Street. Let's not forget those signs that say speed hump. Yeah, people are that stupid. They'll do it there just to joke around and see if they get caught. 

"God, if I call the cops and you actually shift, I'll go to jail for indecent exposure," Noah continued, clearly, and understandably, having not heard Fox's internal monologue. 

Fox (mxm) (Rever series 1)Where stories live. Discover now