The Shattered

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Everyone was stunned for one fleeting second, before they snapped out of their trance and raced to their cars, the Jeep far from sight. They decided to search Uncles house first, to try and stop North from packing up and leaving, or worse, a thing he hadn't attempted since he first moved. Silas was the first to arrive, and he ran into Norths small trailer. Nothing. Nothing but a note. "A woman is walking, the boy is drowning. A  vulture flying around it's prey. It flies away. Eight boys are running,the boy is still drowning. Nine ravens and a body. They fly away. A beautiful girl is  skipping, the boy is still drowning. A swan and a corps. She looks at him with pity, yet leaves. The boy is out of options, of lifeboats, of people willing to care. The boy turned into a corps. But today, the boy can fly away.".

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