The Start (Part 2)

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No one saw North. Of course, they see him in their class, always the quiet boy in the back, wearing long sleeve tee shirts no matter the season. The see him as he falls behind when the bell rings, dragging his feet to the parent pick up station. They see him as his face grows more gaunt, a haunting lament, a boy who could have been their friend, a bright boy, instead morphing into a beautiful, gothic, tradgity by the age of 8. Yes, they saw North, yet in all ways he was completely invisible. Year after year, his teachers saw him deteriorate, yet never said a word, instead passing him off as another underpaid, overworked teacher and counsiler's problem. One by one, each counsiler would choose to simply paint over his problems, coating it in brilliant blues, greens and yellows, passing him off as another great success story and move him along. Never once did they try and even scratch the surface of North's problems and fears. No one saw North, no one but the Monster.

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