The start (part one)

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To truly understand North Taylor, one must venture back to his baby years and infant days.
Lilly Fischer was merely 18 years old when she met Eric Taylor, a 23 year old soldier stationed in her hometown in Germany. After four weeks of their "meetings", Lilly misses her period. She's not ready to have a baby by any stretch of the imagination, yet in her deluded mind, she believes that it'll be easy.

Flash forward nine months, on September 11th, a beautiful baby boy, named North Jeremiah Fischer-Taylor, is born. He spends most of his days alone in his crib, on the floor, or on the couch. His mom realized that she couldn't do much with a baby and quickly fell into old habits of smoking, drinking, and drugs. His father, when he goes to visit, cares about North, but doesn't take any initiative to get his son out of Lilly's care. He simply looks at his helpless boy, with big, dark, trusting eyes, turns around, and walks out the door, leaving North Jeremiah susceptible to the Monster.

Hey, I hope that on the off chance you're reading this, and even if you aren't, you're safe, healthy, and happy. If no one's told you today, you're amazing, special, and loved.

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