~Chapter 6~

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Katsuki put the phone down and sighed to himself, glancing towards Izuku. The greenette was sleeping soundly. The blonde took a moment to study him, gently reaching out and tracing the scars that scattered his arms. 

Izuku stirred slightly, and Katsuki quickly pulled away. He forgot how easily the nerd could wake up. 

"The scars are deeper than they seem, huh?" 

Katsuki jumped and looked at Shoto, who was watching him closely.


"So why is he in your bed?"

Katsuki almost felt embarrassed. Almost. "This is the first time I tried sleeping alone since the kidnappings happened. I asked him to at least lay on the other side of the bed because it's comforting."

Shoto nodded in understanding, "Well, you wanna get to work checking the other mics?"

"I'm kinda scared to," Katsuki admitted, getting up and moving to sit beside Shoto.

"Then Izuku can do that. We'll get to work on finding the traitors."

Katsuki nodded, grabbing their files from the beside dresser. "So primary people of intrest are TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu, Kyoka Jiro, Neito Monoma, and possibly Hanta Sero."

"I suggest adding Mei to that list."

Katsuki looked at Shoto, raising an eyebrow, "And why is that?"

"Izuku was telling me about the support items that Denki had when you three fought."

"Yeah but they still have Kurogiri, they could've warped into her lab and stole it."

"Or he kept it from high school," Izuku croaked out, rubbing his eyes. "Mei isn't a person of interest. The others are though."

"So we need to talk to their agency and see if they'd start to keep an eye on them." Shoto hummed.

Katsuki nodded, "Yeah….Kirishima called this morning."

Izuku perked up, "What'd he say?"

"He said he'd let me know if he found anything." Katsuki glared at the papers in his hands. "He never told me he found the mic."

"He's already starting to hide things. We need to at least warn FatGum-" Shoto pulled out his phone.

"He's been hiding things, Sho. I'm hiding things." Katsuki sighed. "He thinks I'm on an undercover mission to stop a drug deal."

"He hid being a villian from you for years." Izuku huffed. "You lied in order to practice your research and make sure your safe."

"Izuku, Kirishima knows about one for all, we've been in danger and we only just found out a few days ago."

"Well, I have a feeling that he was going gonna try something around the time of the wedding." Shoto hummed. "Mina told me he was talking to her about the honeymoon you two were planning."

"We aren't going to have a honeymoon," Katsuki said slowly. "We never were."

"... he was going to kidnap you after the wedding and make it seem like you were going on your honeymoon."


Ochako tapped the counter and listened to the ringing of the phone.

Pick up, please. I need you to pick up. I need to know the plan to help Sho and Kat. I want to get out of here, I want to help the heroes.


"Kirishima?" Ochako bit her lip. "I changed my mind. I'm interested in joining you. I gave it some thought."

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