Syd x Dina // pt 2

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Syd: holy shit, Stan. What happened?

Stan had arrived in class with concealer all over his face and neck. Bradley Lewis turned around to look at him.
Brad: yeah, Stan? What happened?

He sneered at him. Stan just looked down at his test, and didn't say anything.

at lunchtime, Stan didn't even show up. And Syd started to get worried, she looked all around for him, but he was nowhere to be found, she even asked Dina to sneak into the boys bathroom, but he wasn't there. Syd was losing hope when she walked past the school theatre. 'live theatre' she thought.

Stan was sat at one of the tables near the football field, sipping a blue raspberry slurpee. when Syd came over she sat down next to him. just in silence. she took his hand, and they just sat there. looking at the stage.

Dina: So.. where is he?
Syd: umm, he was.. in the boys locker room, he'd forgotten his kit. Dina: oh, okay.. do you wanna go sit under the tree at the park? Syd: Okay, fine. as long as we don't have to go into the actual park though. Dina: Deal.

When they arrived at the park, they sat at their usual spot under the tree and talked for hours, occasionally glancing at the road. Eventually, they saw Stan's car drive by, and they went to wave, but instead they saw a foul looking man screaming at Stan, who was in the passengers seat. Dina and Syd looked at each other in horror. they had no idea this was going on, Syd had sat down with him at the football field, yes, but she didn't ask him what happened. she just assumed that he fell over and was trying to cover it up or something like that.

they left the park immediately, and Syd called Stan,
Dina: Has he picked up?? Syd: no, not in the last 0.2 seconds you asked me, Dina.

she said sarcastically, and received a small punch on the arm from Dina. Syd: Okay, he's picked up, uh Stan? where are you?? Stan: I'm at home.. why? where are you?
Syd: Stan.. we saw you in the car.. I think you should stay at my place for a while.. Stan: Syd.. I can't get outta here without him knowing.
Syd put down the phone for a second and turned to Dina. Syd: Dina I'm gonna need you for something, is that okay? Dina: uh, yeah sure, whatever you need
Dina smiled at Syd, and she got the same warm feeling that she got in the diner. But she snapped out of it and came back to the phone.
Syd: Okay, Stan? Can you have a packed bag in about half an hour?
Stan: uh, yeah, I think so, can I bring my record player and some vinyl though? It can fold into a briefcase.
Syd: whatever, fine. Half an hour though, okay?
Stan: okay, I'll do it
Syd: I'll be there soon, just try and stay away from your dad though
Stan: okay, I'll see you later

Syd hung up, and turned to Dina,
Syd: I have a plan..

They arrived at Stan's house about twenty minutes later, Dina tugging on Syd's arm,
Dina: Do I have to?!
Syd: you saw what happened in the car, Dina! if we don't do this, then Stan might not show up at school one day!
Dina: still though! flirting with his dad?!
Syd: come one Dina, just do this one thing?.. for me?
Dina: .. okay then..
Syd: okay, ill sneak around the back, ill see you in about ten minutes.

She was about to turn away to go to the back door, when she felt Dina's hand brush hers.
Dina: Syd.. stay safe.. please
Syd: I will, Dina..

She snuck round back and saw Stan waiting there with a duffel bag and a briefcase thing, they both ran as fast as they could towards Syd's house, looking behind them every 20 seconds.

When they got there, they set up a camp bed and an air mattress, and with Stan's permission, they called Maggie, Syd's mom, and explained the situation. She had nothing but support to offer, and she let Stan stay as long as he wanted.

Dina came over later, and they stayed up all night, laughing about the heist they had just pulled.

To Syd's surprise, Stan was actually a pretty good roommate. he made breakfast, couldn't stop thanking Mrs Novak, and even got along well with Liam. When they came home from school, Stan drove Syd to the grocery store whenever she needed to.

One night, Syd was about to turn out the light, when Stan asked her a question.
Stan: Syd.. what do you think of Dina?
Syd: um, why?
Stan: just curious..
Syd: well.. she's been my best friend since we both moved here, um, she's always there for me..

She paused for a second,
Syd: she has amazing eyes.. I-I mean-

She looked over, and saw Stan grinning at her,
Stan: fucking knew it
Syd: knew what?!
Stan: you like Dina!!
Syd: fuck no!
Stan: uh, fuck yeah!

Stan made a mock longing expression and mimicked Syd's voice,
Stan: she has amazing eyes!..
Syd: N-no I don't!

Stan smiled knowingly at Syd,
Stan: goodnight Syd
Syd: NO! Don't you fucking dare turn out that light, Stanley barber! No stop I don't!-

Stan turned the light out.

The next morning, Stan continued to grin at Syd in a mocking way, until at breakfast, she grabbed the kitchen knife and hissed,
Syd: Stan i swear to fucking god, if you don't wipe that stupid smile off your face, I will cut it off for you!
Stan: okay fine.. by the way... I won't tell anyone..

He picked up his toast and skipped out of the room, leaving Syd speechless in the kitchen. She didn't like Dina.. did she?..

I am not okay with this // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now