Dina x reader // pt 1

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"Mom! Do you know where my shoes are?!"

You yelled, frantically running around the house, you were already late for your new school and didn't need another dilemma.

"No honey! I think they're in the kitchen!" She called back

You ran to the kitchen and there they were. Putting them on in a hurry you picked up your bag, tripped a little and made it out the door.

Your new school was just like any other, social groups there were a little less divided though.

You walked along the hall, passing each locker, trying to find yours. when you found it '011', you put all the necessary things in there, then turned around hurriedly to get to class.

But you accidentally bumped into someone, causing your things to fly into the air and on the floor. You quickly bent down to pick them up and lifted your head to see the person you bumped into.

A pretty girl with beautiful dark hair and brown eyes was helping you pick up your things. You blushed and gathered up the rest, thanking her as she gave you the rest of your stuff.

"I'm Dina, you new here?" She asked,

"Yeah I just moved here, I'm Y/N"

"Well, Y/N what class are you in next?"

"Oh umm science I think"

"Cool same! I'll walk you there"


You walked along the hall laughing at Dina's jokes and some tips on how to survive the school.

When you got to the science lab, you both sat next to eachother and her friend Syd.

"Syd, this is Y/N!" Dina said happily, Syd looked over at you and smiled a little,

"Cool, just moved here?" She said, holding her hand out which you shook,

"Uh yeah" you replied


Apart from that awkward conversation, you had a lot of fun in science, Dina was really nice to talk to and you and Syd couldn't stop laughing at each others jokes.

After class you all went down to the park and met up with their other friend, Stanley Barber. A little on the weird side but he was still so fun to hang out with.

"So Y/N, if you could be an eagle or a jellyfish which one would you be?" He asked randomly,

"Oh.. I never really thought about it. I guess eagle?" you replied, Stanley rolled his eyes and turned to Syd 'another lost cause' he sighed and Syd rolled her eyes,

"He doesn't mean that, he's totally high right now" she assured you and you nodded,

You got home and kicked off your shoes, falling onto the couch and turning on the TV, you flicked through the channels trying to find something to watch when the phone suddenly started to ring.

"Hey, Y/N? It's Dina! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the diner with me tomorrow after school, just you and me, but I was wondering if you were interested"
She spoke from the other end of the line,

"Yes of course! I'd love to!" You replied.

You both sorted out a time to meet then hung up. You put the phone down and fell onto the couch again, pressing a nearby cushion against your face to hide the obvious blush that had formed.

You fell asleep that night quite happy, and exited to go to the diner with Dina.

But why did you have butterflies in your stomach every time you thought her name?

I am not okay with this // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now