Syd x Dina // pt 3

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(Sorry guys I know this has been long)

Syd tried to talk to Dina normally, but she couldn't get Stan's words outta her head. Did she really like Dina?!

She managed to get through the day though, when she walked home with Stan, they only talked about school work, and even over dinner, it was Liam trying to start a conversation.

When they were both in bed however, they both started talking about it as if there hadn't been any tension at all,
Stan: So how long have you known?
Syd: I don't know, I just know!
Stan: do you think maybe she likes you back?
Syd: I have no clue, when she found out I liked someone, her face fell a little, but that was it.
Stan: she likes you back.
Syd: you can't be sure!
Stan: trust me.. i I know these things..

He took his sunglasses out of his bag, and put them on, a serious expression on his face,
Syd: oh my god, your so weird!

She laughed and threw a cushion over at him, knocking the sunglasses off his face,
Stan: oh is that the way you wanna play it?!

He grabbed the cushion and threw it back at her, soon they were engaged in a severe pillow fights from opposite ends of the room, just having fun and laughing, until they heard a knock at the door. Stan tried to assure Syd it was just her mom coming home, but Syd knew that her mom always came back at 10:00 pm, sneaking inside the house and going straight to sleep. Syd looked at her watch. It was 11:00.

Syd: Stan, stay here i'm just gonna see who it is out the kitchen window..

She left the bedroom, and peered outta the window. Stan's dad's car was parked outside.

Maggie came out of her room in a dressing gown, and Stan soon came out of Syd's room. They opened the door slowly to reveal Stan's dad. He was tall and thin with the smell of alcohol and tobacco all over him.

He barged last then and grabbed Stan's wrist hard.
Syd: hey! Let go of him!!
Maggie: Sir, who the hell are you?!
Mark: I'm his fucking dad. He's coming with me.

Mark tried to drag Stan outta the door, but Maggie strode to the kitchen area and picked up a chopping knife. She pointed it right between his eyes.

Maggie: now you fucking listen to me. You're gonna walk outta that door without Stan, your gonna drive away and not bother us again, cause' if you do, there's gonna be a pretty big stab wound right through that empty shell of a goddamn head.

Mark let go of Stan, falling over and scrambling away from the knife in the pouring rain.
Maggie: you "claim" to be his father? You're no more of a fucking dad than I am of a harmless little woman, now get outta here,

Stan's dad quickly got into his car and drove off at full speed. once he was gone, Syd's mom closed the front door, and was immediately ambushed by Liam, giving her the tightest hug. Stan thanked her and apologised, and Maggie let them stay up that night for however long they wanted.

The week flew by, and What was once just 'Syd and Dina' became the three musketeers with Stan added to their friendship group. And Syd's crush on Dina only grew.

One night however, Syd and Stan were just talking, when Syd mentioned how she and Dina once planned a heist to sneak into the candy jar at Dina's house. So Stan brought up the subject of how upon hearing the news of Syd's crush, Dina and he tried to figure it out that one time at the park.

Syd: oh.. really?..
Stan: yeah but we couldn't figure it out.
Syd: oh okay.. anyway, you ready to turn the light out yet?
Stan: nah, I'm good, you can turn it off now.

She turned the light out, but somehow she couldn't get to sleep..

The next day at school, Syd set out with a purpose, she needed to find Dina and talk to her.

She finally found her by the football field sitting on the bleachers,
Syd: Dina, I need to talk to you in private, can we go under the bleachers? Only for a minute I swear.
Dina: yeah, sure!

Dina followed Syd down band behind the bleachers, then stopped when they were underneath.
Syd: did you.. try and figure out my crush with Stanley behind my back?

She asked calmly, and Dina sighed and looked down at her feet,
Dina: well.. yeah, but we didn't find anything! We only managed to eliminate Brad Lewis and Ricky Berry!
Syd: God, Dina! The one thing I wanted to be kept a secret?!
Dina: I know I shouldn't have! I just wanted to know who it was, okay?!
Syd: why! Why did you want to know?!

Dina stayed silent,
Syd: Dina.. are you.. jealous?..

Dina stayed silent again,
Syd: Dina?..
Dina: Well it not like you Fucking like me back is it?!!!!

Now Syd was silent.
Syd: Dina.. I fucking love you.. okay?! I've known I love you for months now, and i've hardly been able to cope with it. It's always been you..

She turned to walk away, but she was pulled back by Dina, who gazed into her eyes.. and kissed her..

As they walked down the hall, holding hands, heads were turned, and slurs were thrown at them. But they didn't care, they had eachother, and that was all that mattered. And as they passed Stanley in the hall, he smiled at Dina, then turned to Syd. He winked and smirked at her, then mouthed 'knew it'. Syd smiled softly at him, then turned back to Dina. Everything seemed happy again. She didn't worry about anything. All that seemed to matter was Dina, and all that mattered to Dina was her.

I am not okay with this // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now