Stan x Reader // pt 1

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You were walking home from school one day when a car pulled up next to you, the window rolled down super slow, but you were surprised to see Stanley barber in the driver's seat.

Y/N: um, hi??
Stan: hey, I was just driving home and saw you walking alone, need a ride?
Y/N: um, yeah sure!

You got into the passengers seat and Stan started driving, he pulled a small tin out of his pocket and offered you a cigarette

Stan: want one?
Y/N: you don't mind?
Stan: nah, go ahead!

You took a cigarette and lit it, then took a puff and blew it out the window, looking at the sky as you did so.

Stan: so.. got any plans for the weekend?
Y/N: nah not really, why? You wanna hang out?
Stan: I mean I would ask you if I could, I don't know why I wouldn't, I thought girls like if someone asked first, n-not that all girls like it I'm not trying to generalise women in general, um I think women should have th-their own right and they should be able to like what they want to-
Y/N: Stan!!!!
Stan: y-yeah?
Y/N: yeah! I would like to hang out at the weekend! Let's meet at the park, okay?
Stan: o-okay...

You arrived at your house, and Stan dropped you off and drove away. He muttered to himself, nodding, 'nailed it' as he drove out of sight.

It was the next day,
You put some mascara on, and checked in the mirror before heading out, covering your sister with a blanket as you passed the living room.

When you got to the park, Stanley was waiting at one of the benches, his car parked nearby. When you approached, he quickly got up and dusted himself off, then sat back down when you did. You talked for about half an hour, and it was great. However at one point, Syd and Dina walked past, hand in hand, and she waved at you and Stan, Dina turned around then pulled a grin at Stan and made a love sign with her hands, obviously teasing him. They then disappeared out of sight behind a corner.

From then on, something seemed a little off with Stan, he kept sighing and clearing his throat every couple of minutes.

After a while it was beginning to get dark, so you said you had to go and that he shouldn't worry about driving you because your mom was going to pick you up.

Obviously your mom wasn't going to pick you up, but you just had to get outta there! Everything went a little weird with Stan when Syd and Dina popped up. Did he still have a crush on Syd? You thought he had gotten over that. And if he did, why did he ask you out? Did he think it was a date? Why did you care so much? It was just Stan, you barely even talked to each other at school, so why were you so bothered?

Could you have a crush on Stan?

No.. it can't be that..

I am not okay with this // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now