Dina x Reader // pt 2

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You got ready and grabbed a nearby jacket, heading out the door.

You got off your bike and leaned it on the side of the diner. You were going to lock it but you saw Dina already inside and left it.

"Hey! Y/N!" Dina said as you approached the table.

"Hi !" You replied, taking a seat.

You both talked for what seemed like ages, eventually ordering two burgers.

After eating you both talked for a while longer, Dina telling you which teachers to look out for, which classes are boring and which aren't, occasionally sneaking small smiles at each-other from across the table.

When you finished the last of your milkshakes and exited the diner, Dina held your arm before you left.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Brad's party with me this weekend?"

"I thought you said Brad was a douche" you answered

"Oh he is, but there's free food there and he lives next to a huge forest so we could escape half way through" she giggled, tucking a strand of curly hair behind her ear and smiling at you.

"Well in that case I'll see you there!" You smiled back, getting the rest of the details before leaving for home.


The rest of the week was boring, partially because you barely had any classes with Dina. But as it was now Saturday, you were exited for the party.

"Y/N!!" You heard the familiar voice of Dina call out to you from the crowd as you arrived.

You made your way over to her, picking up a drink from the table as you slightly pushed and eased your way through the jocks and cheerleaders.

"Listen, it's really crowded in here so we should probably go down to the forest!" Dina called over the loud music.

"Yeah sure!!" You called back


The trees were a dull shade of Viridian, the odd stick and twig snapped under your foot as you tread carefully through the forest with Dina.

After a few minutes you both came across a basketball court, visible from Brad's house above.

"Thanks for coming to this party with me, Syd hates them because there's too many people"
Dina chuckled a little, igniting a spark in your stomach that only grew as you looked over to see her warm smile and hands behind her back, balancing on her heels.

"Yeah no I was half to come with you, and it's not that bad of a party" you said nonchalantly.

She just smiled back and you looked down,

"Your shoe laces are untied" you laughed a little. She looked down and back up again then shrugged

"I don't mind it"

"So what classes do you have on Monday?"

"Really? The conversation is that dry that you have to resort to school as a topic?" She giggled, and so did you

"I don't know.." you smiled at the ground, "we should probably get back to the party"

"Okay let's go-" she started before stepping forward a little and tripping on her laces. She fell forward quickly but you rushed over and caught her.

Pulling her back up, you noticed that you two were very close.

"I told you your laces were tied" you said quietly, and she looked up at you with her dark eyes.

"I guess you were right" she half whispered, still holding onto your arms.

You couldn't ignore this feeling anymore and leaned forward, closing the small space between your faces and kissing her.

At first you thought she was backing away, but she rested her hand on your face and smiled in the kiss, closing her eyes.

You both were stood like that for what seemed like forever, locked together softly for all time.

But when the kiss ended it felt like it was still going, the burning feeling inside of you growing more and more.

Dina beamed at you and took your hand, leading you towards her car and taking the passengers seat. You got in the drivers side and she gave you her keys.

Starting the car and driving away from the party, you could barely keep your eyes on the road, every five seconds sneaking a glance at her beautiful features.

She told you to pull up next to the diner which you did, and you both walked in hand in hand to order a milkshake each.

The end


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