Chapter 26

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Lloyd's p.o.v

To say Kai's room looks like a war zone us an understatement. His room was and is a war zone. The mirror is smashed, dresser busted, clothes everywhere.

Fowline lays on the floor, a sword tip sticking out his back at his heart. Blood is everywhere, mostly droplets. But, there are two big streaks. One from the nightstand to halfway at the dresser.

The other leads away from Fowline to the bathroom. I go to Fowline, feeling for a pulse but find none. Now, to see what is at the end of the blood streak.

Going to the bathroom door, Zane had taken my place at Fowline. The door is cracked so I push it open.

The sight is worse, much worse. Kai is slumped against the tub, the blood streak leading to hem. One of his arms is drapped over the lid.

Blood is drying and cracked on his chest, legs, arms, neck and face. He's not moving, I can't even tell if he's breathing. I walk over, careful of the blood pooling under hem and place two fingers at Kai's neck.

I jump as he sucks a breath in, lifting his head slightly. He casts his eyes at me, the once amber/brown eyes are now dull and lifeless. His head drops back to the lid and I rip my shirt off.

Laying it on the floor, I gently pull Kai back, laying hem on the shirt. I notice the sword stab stitches had reopened, but, where's all the blood coming from.

I run my fingers along Kai's chest, my middle dips into something, a hole. "Lloyd, is Kai in there." I hear Cole call. "Yeah, he's in bad shape." I yell, twisting my hand and each of my fingers dip in a hole.

Holes in Kai's chest, holes close to Kai's heart, his lung. "ZANE COME FAST. FOWLINE STABBED KAI." I yell, putting my hands over the still bleeding wounds.

Zane and Cole run in, Cole looking in the tub briefly than goes to Kai's head. Setting Kai in his lap, Zane kneels beside me. "We need to move hem, now. Or else he dies." Zane said.

I grab four fluffy towels, Cole takes two, Zane one and me one. Cole wraps the two around Kai's chest, Zane around Kai's belly at the stitches and me around Kai's legs.

Together, we left Kai up and carry hem out. Celi must have Milly somewhere else. Good, she doesn't need to see Kai like this. Taking Kai to the medbay, Zane, Bastian and Gardena begin to operate.

Hours go by, it's the next morning before any news. I'm leaning on the wall, I'm the only one awake. Rubbing my eyes, I couldn't sleep. The image of finding Kai keeps popping up.

Footsteps come from behind, I look to see the three. Pushing off, the others stir. Zane looks at me, I know, I look like shit, but I'm worried about Kai. "It was a long battle. Kai was at deaths door. Had you not found hem when you did and covered the wound, he'd been dead before I got hem on the table. You saved Kai yesterday, he is here cause you saved hem." Zane said.

I smile and that's all I know as my body shuts down, Cole and Jay rushing to catch my unconscious body.

Kai's p.o.v


Where am I.


What's that noise, am I dead.


What happened, wh....


Fowline attacked at the Bounty, he stabbed me.


Wh....Danny, Dillon.

I have to wake up.

My babies need me

I need to know their safe.

They need their mama.

Gasping, I sit up, a hand gently laying me down. Looking with half open eyes, Cole smiles at me. "Welcome back love." He said, kissing my cheek.

I go to speak but it comes out as grunts or groans. "We're at Ninjago hospital, your in ICU with a tube down your throat." Cole explained.

I motion for a pen and notepad, Cole handing them. *Fowline alive. I stabbed hem.* I write. Cole shakes his head. "The blade pierced his heart, Fowline died instantly." A weight is lifted as I nod.

The door opens, a nurse walks in. "Mr.Brickstone, I need....well morning, sunshine." She says noticing me awake. *How long.* I ask. "You've been in a coma for four months, the jab wounds are taking the longest to heal." She said.

"Let me get the doctor, we had planned on pulling the tube out, and now that your awake, we can." Nurse leaves.

I hold a hand for Cole to his takes. "Milly wants her mama. She's been in here everyday curled into your side. I'm glad you brought her to our family. She needed us." Cole says as the door opens again, the doctor walking in this time.

He comes over, leaning my head back and gently pulling the strands of tape off. "Deep breath." I do as he asks and he gently but quickly pulls it free.

Coughing as my lungs fill with real air, the doctor places breathing tubes in my nose. "You need to be here another month but, you can feedyour twin boys while your recovering." I nod, throat still raw as he walks out

I move my wings to a more comfortable position and lay on my side facing Cole. The door opens, this time a gasp sounds as a weight lands on my legs and brown hair meets my vision. Milly sobs into my chest as mom and dad walk in.

Dad lays Bella at my chest, she's so big now. Danny and Dillon are layed into my chest as well, Milly curling her wings around the three.

Danny looks at me, his eyes are amber with green iris. He nuzzles into my chest, right at my nipple. Cole smiles as he stands, he unbottens the gown and I pull it off my chest.

Milk is dripping from my nipples, I cover the twins with my wings. I'm not shy about breast feeding but, Dillon is a little self conscious about people watching. Both latch on and I hum is they feed, my worries and fears now at ease.

They say their is no greater love than that of a mother. I can agree. The whole time I was leaning against the tub, my arm inside it, all my thoughts were on the twins. Fowline would have killed them if he had found the two.

I knew, the moment my sword touched my hands, one of us wasn't walking away. I'm just glad the first spinjitzu master spared me to raise my family.

Laying my head down, the two feeding relaxing me. Cole combs my hair as my wings relax, my eyes close and I fall into a peaceful and content sleep.

I'll protect my family, even at the cost of my own life.

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