14. Back to Normal

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The week flew by, between homework, tests, and abusive father trial paperwork, I was swamped. You know, the usual stuff that keeps teenagers busy.

Bella and Charlie had finally stopped looking at me as if I were made of glass. While the Rez boys, on the complete other end of the spectrum, had finally lost that murderous glint in their eyes every time their keen eyesight caught on one of my faint scars.

Seeing my father had triggered lots of painful memories that I did my best to stay ahead of. More than once, Charlie or Bella came in to wake me up when nightmares caused me to scream or cry myself awake.  The illusion of safety I had conjured here had been ruined for me. I know people started to notice again. But I couldn't help it.

The only exception to this was Jacob. His treatment of me never changed. I was still Katie. Still me. Which was highly appreciated. But what sucked was I hadn't been able to see him much this week, he was busy with "whatever it is him and the boys do on the Rez" and I was drowning in homework and training. So instead of our normal daily visits I had only seen him earlier this week, I didn't expect to miss him this much. Over the past couple of days I found myself constantly glancing over my shoulder with a smile, expecting Jake to be there to laugh with me, and not understanding the ache in my chest when I realized he wasn't right beside me.

Anyway. Life goes on. Me missing Jake became my primary issue after my father was dealt with. Charlie was a godsend and helped fill out most of the paperwork. Another officer came by to grab a statement from me and Charlie held my hand through it. A quick incarceration later and my father was locked behind bars for the foreseeable future. What was lovely was since I am a minor, I didn't have to go to trial. Let's hear it for the justice system! (Even though it is systemically fucked...just btw)

It felt like a lead jacket had finally been taken off my shoulder. I felt like I could finally truly breathe again.

Life had improved for me. Forks was becoming my true home.

Edwards sister Alice had a weird fascination for my wardrobe and dropped off a whole new set of clothes for me so I could finally stop borrowing from Bella. My classes finally got to new material so I actually had to pay attention in class. And living with Uncle Charlie and Bella had been a surprisingly smooth transition.
The Friday after "the event", as I called it, I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm clock.

My feet hit the cold ground and my body gave a burst of pain. Dizziness crashed over me, along with nausea.


Shaking my head, I stood up. Bad idea. The room spun and black spots danced in front of my eyes. Cold sweat was damp on my forehead and back. I was burning up in my sweatpants and sweatshirt that I wore to bed.


I stumbled to the bathroom that Bella and I shared and barely made it to the toilet before I was violently sick. My stomach lurched again and again and tears blurred my vision.

In a haze I kicked off my sweatpants and pulled off my sweatshirt till I was lying on the cold tile in my underwear and an old t shirt that Jacob let me borrow when my shirt had been completely covered in grease and mud from the countless hours we spent in the garage. I closed my eyes and oblivion swept in.

Light shaking of my shoulder woke me. I looked up to find Bella and Charlie standing over me with equally concerned looks on their faces.

"Oh Katie, you threw up? Is it the stomach flu? Do you need anything?"

While Bella's Questions were very sweet, my head was pounding and I was in no shape to form any answers.

Charlie looked at his watch, "Katie I'm gonna call the school and let them know you're out sick, ok? And don't worry, cases of the stomach bug have been going around town lately, you'll feel better soon." I mumbled a reply and went back to laying down with my head on a towel.

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