Chapter 5

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(No one's POV)

After USJ everyone went to the dorms Aizawa took the handcuffs off and left leaving 1-A. They then made dinner and ate they were all having fun but stopped when Izuku left and ran to his room. When Izuku was in his room he put his costume on and was going to do some vigalante work then spy on the League of Villains and check on Kurogiri, Izuku was flying around when he saw someone robbing a bank so he flew there and fought the man. He had a simple quirk he could grow blades out of his arm's but Izuku took him on and flew off, Izuku then flew to LOV'S base and saw their crew a girl with blonde hair in a sailor uniform holding a knife, a man with Black hair and skin that was being held up by staples the skin looked like it was rotting, a man with a top hat a mask and a tuxedo, and a Deadpool rip-off. Izuku then noticed Shigaraki but ignored him and was thinking of ways to sneak in and get more info but he was cut off by a black tentacle breaking the window grabbing him and pulling him toward's a man and Izuku stayed calm and tried burning it but it did nothing he then threw Izuku toward's the wall a girl then ran at him with her knife trying to stab him but Izuku caught the knife and kicked her in the face.
(Izuku's POV)

'Ok I need to be careful I need to watch everyone closely' I thought. I was watching everyone but then blue flames came toward's me and I countered his flames with mine only to see the flames getting bigger I then saw multiple version's of him and I couldn't take on all the flames but I held my ground. The pressure was to much my flames grew weaker the flames pushed me out of the building making me fly into another building, I got up and saw multiple knifes coming toward's me I got cut a couple time's but that didn't slow me down. (If you read the manga you know what Black whip is) I got in my fighting stance and everyone came at me at once I was getting burnt, punched, stabbed and thrown around I then was thrown into the ground. I tried getting up but I was in to much pain but I forced myself up I was going to escape but it was to late Shigaraki came and grabbed my leg making me scream in pain but he stopped when he saw pro heroes and Class 1-A I got up and watched my class fight and the heroes evacuating civilians I helped out but stopped when I heard a scream I turned around and yelled "Ochaco!"
(Ochaco's POV)

Izuku pushed passed his limits and ran toward's me everything was going in slow motion Izuku running towards me blue fire about to hit me and a black tentacle coming toward's me but what I didn't expect was Izuku countering the blue flames but then when the black tentacle hit Izuku his veins started to turn black the man then yelled "my quirk! You stole it! He ran at Izuku but I got up and touched him making him float. Izuku then dropped to the ground we were able to capture one but the rest escaped. I picked up Izuku and ran him over to Mr.Aizawa he then picked him up and said "Nemuri is going to kill me." The ambulance then came and took Izuku I was starting to tear up but then I felt a hand on my head and saw Aizawa he then said "he'll be okay he's strong but he will keep those handcuffs on for the rest of his life" I chuckled and helped some of my classmates and we went back to UA but I went to the hospital and stayed by Izuku's side. I woke up and saw Izuku standing by the window I then got up and hugged him he then chuckled and patted my head then I said "Izuku you're going have to get another quirk test last night your veins turned black and the man kept saying that you stole his quirk so let's go he then nodded and we went to the quirk doctor. (No one's POV)

When the two got there he went through the tests and the doctor came back with the results and said "Mr.Kayama it seems you have gained a new quirk it's name is Black whip be careful with it it can be very dangerous." Izuku nodded and they left and went back to UA and Izuku was scolded and they went back to the dorms and everyone stopped talking and Izuku noticed that Aizawa was here so Izuku said "did you tell them about the Sport's Festival or not" Aizawa then said "yes I told them" Izuku nodded and sat down and Ochaco sat next to them and they started to talk.

If you read the manga you know how he gets Black whip but in this his body absorbed the power and next chapter are the confessions so stay tuned for that peace.

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