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just a small warning for this chapter specifically, this is going to mention some polyamory, which means there are going to be more than two people in a relationship

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just a small warning for this chapter specifically, this is going to mention some polyamory, which means there are going to be more than two people in a relationship. if things like this was uncomfortable for you, please skip the chapter. everyone is in the poly relationship but it's kinda j-hope centric with a dash of namjoon.

p.s you're another member that speaks fluent english, so from time-to-time, you help namjoon translate but bc the way you talk, you're instructed to shut up and just let namjoon do it, but in this chapter somethings changes that (if that makes any sense)


"what can you comment about your recent dating scandal with your band-mate?" the interviewer had his sharp eyes focused on you, the air was tense and your band-mates were glaring at the interviewer. if looks could kill, the interviewer would've been shredded to pieces.

"i mean, i can comment on a lot of things," you tilted your head to the side in amusement, "first of all, don't you think it's a bit rude to talk about a scandal in front of the artist's face? second of all, does it matter if i was actually dating my band-mates? as long as it doesn't affect my work and my performances, i don't think it's such a big deal."

"well, it not me of course, it's the fans that want to know," the interviewer was starting to get nervous, you were starting to get irritated now, "i think the fans respect my privacy as much as they respect every one else's. is that all? because i think this interview can be cut short," you say as you get up from your seat and exit, the boys hot on your heels.

you entered the dressing room of the place and sat down on the couch, all of the boys were scowls on their faces and generally just looked mad. shortly after everyone settled down, the make-up-noonas came in for a touch-up.

no one said a word.

⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒

"you should've just kept your mouth shut," hoseok huffed and rolled his eyes as you sat in the hotel room's bed, you furrow your eyebrows and look at him, "why? he was trying to ask about a scandal that bighit told them not to ask, how was i supposed to react? especially when it comes to dating you guys, you know how it looks like to the fans."

"i know! but i'm scared you're gonna get a bad rep after that interview!" hoseok grumbles as he takes off his shirt and throws it inside of his suitcase, "what if it's like debut days again? what if your anxiety rises up again? you never know, alright?" he mumbles as he enters the bathroom, shutting the door.

you knew that he would eventually cool off, so you'd just let him let off some steam in the bath. namjoon opened the connecting room door a few minutes later and waved, "hey you," he says as he slid into the bed, "is hobi still mad?" namjoon asked as he cuddled up against you, you nod and frown.

"i mean, i get her point but i just wanted to stand up for myself. you guys always talk for me and i feel like it's time for me to talk for myself," you explain as namjoon snakes his hands around your waist, "i know what you want, [y/n]ie. but sometimes, when you talk, it unintentionally sounds like you want to murder them, especially if it's sensitive topics like this. i know the situation earlier was tense and rather uncomfortable, and you had every right to act like that to that asshole but it might make you look bad. so in order to avoid another scandal, i speak for you."

you nod and bite your lip, "i get it..." you mumbled and put your phone down on the bedside table, "sometimes, people just have an image of me and an expectation of me that isn't really me and i just want to show them that while i can be cute-sy and soft most of the time, i want to speak my mind too," you say, letting all of your feelings out.

"hey, i'll sort it for you, okay? i'll get your message across but in a good way," namjoon pecked your cheek as you could hear rustling inside of the bathroom, signalling that hobi was most probably done with his shower and was putting on his clothes.

"i better go before he scolds me for trying to steal you away for the night again, i love you. goodnight," namjoon says as he ruffles your hair and gets up to leave for his own room. the bathroom doors open and you can see a wet-haired hoseok tidying his dirty clothes and putting them away.

hoseok hasn't said anything yet as you continue to observe him, he slides into the bed beside you and did the same motion namjoon did earlier, but this time, hoseok was burying his face in your stomach, "you're not mad at me, are you? i heard namjoon and you talking but i didn't know what you guys were talking about," hoseok said against your tummy.

you play with his wet hair, "your hair's still wet, let me dry it. stay here," you say, hoseok's unraveling his arms around you as you get up and inside of the bathroom and grab a fresh towel, going back outside and sitting on the bed. hoseok lovingly placing his head and mop of dark hair on your lap.

"you didn't answer my question," he said as you rub the towel thoroughly against his hair, you mumbled out, "i'm not mad at you, i just thought about what you said and you were right. i should've just shut up because now my words might've caused another scandal and that doesn't look good on me, the group or the company."

hoseok was a bit alarmed after he heard your words, "hey, no. the whole point of me telling you that you should've shut up was to think over what you said and to analyse where you went wrong, not to blame yourself for an up-coming scandal. our record's been clean so far and this was the only bump in the road so far, just don't blame yourself for something you did out of self-defense."

you nod at his words and continue drying his hair, "i still can't believe they made up a rumor about me and taehyung dating- i mean we are, but they weren't supposed to know. usually we go on lunch-dates like that and the army always ships us romantically but it never escalated to a dating scandal, you know?"

he nods, "you can stop drying my hair now, it's damp. not wet," he says as you motion to get up but hoseok stops you before you can move any further, "just throw the towel onto the chair over there and play with my hair. there's no need to get up," he was finally showing his clingy side, you smile and did what he had instructed and changed your position a bit.

before your back wasn't being supported by the wall behind the bed as you were sitting o the side, now your back's on the headboard and hoseok's facing you as he hugs you tight, "anything else you want to let out before we go to sleep?" he asked as you shook your head, "i was going to ask you but you asked before me."

"i don't want to talk about anything, i just want to snuggle before bed and have a good rest. we have so many more shitty american interviews to go through then we're home," he sighs at the mention of the american interviews, they really did sucked. the one they had to go through before proved hoseok's statement right, "yeah, i can't wait to get home. let's sleep," you say as you shifted your position again so the both of you were cuddling in a good position.

"i love you, [y/n]," hoseok breathed into your hair as he kissed your temple, yu smile and snuggle more into his chest.

"i love you too, hobi-ah."

⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒

author's note:
i've been experimenting with different types of topics
to write and i really liked how this turned out. i love reading
your comments on the first chapter and i'm hoping to see
more in the future. i know it's a bit hobi-centric in this chapter
but in other poly chapters, you can see the chemistry
between the members.

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