Chapter 9 : Awkward situation

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The White House, Washington DC

Sitting in my office I continued to work on the security footage through my laptop while my official work laptop laid in connect with my line of sight. Using my creation, the Athena Codex, I managed to look at the location where the exchange took place and I'm on my way to crack the security footage as the French has recently topped their encryption level with the latest program per a joint tech operation between the United States and the French Republic. The upgrade has made the network grid in the country more harder to be accessed by any Tom, Dick and Harry. Activated by a password combination key by the subway employees or the security agencies in the country they didn't know that several people knew the codes. I didn't have it but a paper left on my desk by the FBI's director Julius Harkavy was a surprise as the paper contains the code for the software which I wasn't expecting to receive.

He left another combination for the President with I will pass it to him later once I'm done looking through the footage. Outside my office and still inside the White House the staffs are running around, preparing for the welcoming ceremony for the visiting Chancellor of Germany and his wife. The President is still doing his job in the Oval Office, a phone call to be exact, with the king of Saudi Arabia. A knock was heard on the door and my gazes flickered to the door. "Come in." I said, removing the earpiece and closed my laptop shut. Secret Service Agent Timothy Brock walked in with Oliver Evans, my chief of staff. Nowadays Oliver is also somewhat a companion to me and is friends with Timothy as well. "Is there something I can do for you gentlemen?"

"I do." Oliver replied. "The Senate Majority Leader is here. He requested an audience with you and President Reagan of the new Gun Control Legislation."

"I'm afraid so." I said, standing up. "Let's go." I did one last check of my personal belongings, locking them in a secure location while they waited outside and opened the door. Passing by the Oval Office I can still hear President Reagan's voice and I passed by the press briefing room. Stopping at the Grand Staircase I heard arguments at the Entrance Hall and walked down the staircase to reach the level. 

"You shouldn't be taking any pictures." a female voice was heard. "It's not legal."

"But it's my first time mom. Please?"

"No. What if they took you away?" I motioned Brock and Evans to keep quiet and continued walking down.

"Unless you're doing a livestream." I said, stopping at the end of the staircase. In front of me Mary Hamilton dropped her phone as I rested my hand against the staircase bar, standing in my usual pose which Timothy liked to dub it 'Power and Regal combined.'. Timothy himself is already on edge, him slowly but firmly reaching his sidearm. Oliver, on the other hand, clutched the tablet close to himself, his eyes laced with warning signs. "By the way, your phone camera is not more than three inches." I pointed out.

"Madam Vice President." the White House Chief Usher approached. "I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience caused."

"On that note... is Senator..."

"The Senate Majority Leader is already outside. The VIP will arrive soon madam."

"Someone should inform the President." I said. 

"Did someone mention me?" a voice interrupted from the floor upstairs. President Reagan, dressed in a sharply tailored black and white suit stood on the floor above, peering down at the scenario while Dominic Hayes stood beside him. 

"Mr. President."

"The Senate Majority Leader is here sir." I said. "Where would you expect him?"

"I already told him to meet in the Room." he said, descending the stairs while Dom followed behind him. "Did we expect a tour today?"

"No sir. The Vice President was going to receive him but..." Timothy explained for me. 

"Well... we still have time." the President said, glancing at his watch. "Three hours and a half away."

"I bet that our new boy Spectre arranged this. I just saw him when I arrived." Dom said. 

"President Reagan, Vice President Reagan." Senator Howard Leary emerged from the Entrance Hall, passing through mother and daughter as the Chief Usher promptly ushered them aside. "I'm lucky that we're available to meet at this hour."

"It is Howard." President Reagan replied. 

"My schedule is tight as well, a latest referendum is still in the Senate to be discussed."

"I've sent Elise. She'll preside in my name." I replied. Leary handed a briefcase to Timothy and he backed away to my side. "Thank you for your time the Gentleman from California." The elderly senator smiled and turned to exit the White House. 

"Mary?" someone entered the Entrance Hall and Timothy is already standing in front of me and the President. 

"Can we confirm what the hell is going on?" Agent Andrew Barrowman barked, appearing out of nowhere as he is already hurrying down the stairs. 

"Said that a tour is in full swing sir." Timothy said. "But Sentry and Shadow are present in the Castle."

"I can see that." the more senior agent replied. "What is going on Diane?"

"It's fine Agent Barrowman," said the Chief Usher. "I've got this under control. Apparently the Kane Family decided to drop in to visit the new Senior Advisor to the President but he told them to meet him here."

"Since we have time why don't we do the tour ourselves?" President Reagan offered. I took a quick glance at my wristwatch and glanced at my father for a while. 

"... Very well." I said. Before I can slip the note to the President Kate's step-sister is already freaking out. 

"Oh my God, you guys hear that? The President and Vice President of the United States is going to be our host! Aren't you excited?" she said, tugging the sleeve of Kate's leather jacket. 

"Mr. President." Bruce said, emerging from the floor above. "I've been looking for you-" he paused when he saw the messy situation. 

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