Chapter 17 : Not losing to anything

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The Senate Chamber, United States Capitol

"May I have the gentleman from Delaware?" I asked, beginning the session. Mitch Callaghan, the only senator from Delaware present for today, stood up and approached the stand. 

"Thank you Madam President for giving me the opportunity to speak here." the white-haired senator said, putting his papers on the stand. "Today, we are here to debate on whether 3D printed weapons should be or not should be banned." His firm and resonant voice rippled throughout the silent chamber as the other senators listened on. "Every year our country has to endure the loss of lives in tens of thousands because of firearm injuries and this pattern is a very sad truth for all of us, not just the American people, us lawmakers and the President himself. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution specifies the right for her citizens to bear arms either in self defense, law enforcement related and other purposes including army training and licensed buck hunting. But is there a reason to misuse the weapon to carry out murders, mass shootings, hate crimes and robbery? This isn't my first time raising the issue in the chamber Madam President, what we should do is to outright ban any use of firearms but the Second Amendment has stopped us in doing so. Most of us-" we all looked up as the door of the upper gallery was opened. "As I was speaking earlier...." he said, promptly distracting the senators and me back to his debate. "Most of us are not here because of the event that happened in the White House a week ago."

"Yeah!" several senators shouted. I maintained my cool and nodded in reply. 

"And because of this I push for the decision to ban the use of 3D printed weapons. Thank you Madam President."

"Madam President?" the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate whispered in my ear as the senior senator leaves the stand with his papers. "The upper gallery's got visitors. They're gonna listen to the debate."

"Will do. Thanks for the info Gerry." I whispered back. Clearing my throat I looked down and scanned the paper on my table. "Gentlewoman from Florida."

"Madam President, I would like to pass to my distinguished friend, the gentlewoman from South Dakota."

"Gentlewoman's acknowledged." I said. While inspecting my sleeves in the meantime I took the opportunity to glance upwards, scanning the guests. 

"I would like to start with a quote from our 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln." Senator Crystal Sanders begun her debate. "The ballot is stronger than a bullet. This is not more truer than anything else, as the gentlemen from Delaware has reasoned earlier even though the Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms but it doesn't justify the need to use them to take innocent lives. Statistics can never lie as almost everyday people are dying due to the mishandling of firearms, committing hate crimes with the said weapon and onwards. How can we, why are we allowing this kind of things to happen? As Theodore Roosevelt once said 'Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right' it definitely gave us a wake up call about what's to come in our future if we allow the continuation of needless killings. Now with the rise of 3D printing technology it gives criminals and civilians alike the opportunity to create a firearm without the need to go to a firearm shop if they ever get their hands on a 3D printing machine. Although 3D printing helps mankind in beneficial ways such as creating medical tools from scratch or even body parts such as bones and human organs that doesn't limit to the more creative criminals from misusing this technological wonder. I say that we band together, just put aside our differences for once, to pass the bill of banning 3D printed firearms and remove the blueprints, to allow the President to sign it into law. Teddy Roosevelt also once said 'This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in'. Thank you Madam President and my distinguished friend the gentlewoman from Florida, for giving me the chance to speak. If we pass this bill we save lives."

Then Ariana Banks from Michigan waved her hand, requesting a time out in silence. Looking at my watch and glancing back at the senators who I understand, came to the debate still suffering injuries. "Okay, we'll have a time out." I said, tapping the gavel against the sound block. 

The once quiet Senate wing is buzzing with sound again as the senators chattered upon leaving the Senate Chamber. I exited the chamber with Crystal and Howard, walking quietly together as we greeted some reporters stationed around the walkways surrounding the chamber. Then a reporter from ABC News stepped into our path and thrusts her microphone at my direction. "Madam President, Denise Walker from ABC. Can you tell us more about the legislation that the Senate will vote on later?" she asked. Howard jumped to reply but I raised a hand to calm him down and smiled at the eager reporter.

"What we will pass today is a significant one. Since the attack on the White House a week ago Congress has been pushing to pass a law that bans 3D printed weapons for good. If we can pass it today President Reagan will be more than eager enough to sign it into law as he had already hinted many times." I explained. "We know that public outrage is strong right now and as lawmakers what we are supposed to do is, to make this country a better place for all it's people. Most senators present for today's bill expressed support as they are also victims of the shooting in the White House and they are also outraged about this."

"I see, what about your plan of reelection? Are you going to attend the campaign rally with the President this afternoon?"

"I can't afford to answer that." I said, my emotions turning cold immediately. "I have things to do in the Senate, I have to run the government while the President runs to bid his reelection in campaign rallies. I am honored and grateful for the President's express of trust and confidence in me but I have to tend to those who are in need of the government's help, this is what we should do as the leading authority in this country. This is a responsibility from the moment you are elected and sworn in for the job." cheeks flushing in color she nodded and backed off. Reentering the Senate Chamber again I walked boldly towards my place and sat down on the chair. "We will continue our session now, starting with the gentleman from North Carolina."

Hours later after various debates

"We will now cast the vote in favor of the banning of 3D printed weapons." I declared. "May I have the vote in support?"

"One thing Madam President, can I request for a roll call vote?" the senator from West Virginia raised her hand. I scanned the chamber, counting the number of senators present for today's session and noticed one-fifth of the senators having their hands up in support.

"We'll call on the vote based on majority." I said, acknowledging her request. The clerk stood up and called names while I quietly sipped a bit of water as they voted. 

"Madam President." he said politely, handing me the tally sheet. I scanned the sheet and lifted the gavel. 

"The vote for the motion is 69-0 in favor of the outright banning of 3 Dimensional printed weapons. The motion is passed." I say, slamming the gavel against the sound block twice. 

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