Chapter 21 : News went public

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The White House, Washington DC

The West Wing is quiet as the clock ticked towards twelve in the Oval Office, the ticking sound can be heard clearly. Sitting on the chair at the Resolute Desk President Jeffery Reagan looked down on the newspapers splattered on his desk, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. The headline of the New York Times said this : Two American operatives found dead in Switzerland. Is this a breach in our intelligence community?  The Washington Post however, published the same news but with a sarcastic headline : Is our intelligence community unfit to be one again? A trial run for President Reagan's journey to reelection? Of course as one of the first persons to know about the leak in American intelligence President Reagan is understandably angry about what is being portrayed by the media who only caught the first whiff of the news. With blatant writings like this he had to make a statement to the press. "Jack!" he shouted. 

Few minutes later, his chief of staff Jack Peterson, popped his head into the Oval Office. "Yes sir?" he asked.

"We need to talk." he said. 

"Of course sir." the chief of staff entered the office and sets down his tablet on the Resolute Desk before sitting on the chair opposite his boss. "Oh." he said as he saw the article. "This is bad." President Reagan was unimpressed by his additional salt on the topic and grimaced. His daughter, the Vice President of the United States, had just departed a day ago to go undercover to investigate what is happening but before her findings reach the White House the press has already churned out news that the DNI haven't confirmed. "Any news from her?" he asked.

"No, not a thing." the president replied. "What about the DNI? Anything?"

"Eckhart is contacting our Swiss counterpart for the information. This story can't be kept in a lid anymore sir, if the media knows, the country knows."

"They'll ask about the Vice President's absence for sure." he added.

"Sorry, sir?" he asked. President Reagan slid the copy of the New York Times to him and tapped his finger on a small section of the paper just below the main article. "Where is the Vice President?" he read out loud. 

"Everybody knows that the Vice President's a former FBI agent, the news would have printed that she's on this case."

"She's bull-headed at times sir." the chief of staff replied with a sigh. "But seeing what would she do to save lives, it's bravery."

"I'm more concerned about her safety, even though I know Timothy was beside her."

"Give her a try sir. It's not that she doesn't have protection."

"Maybe." he said plainly. "Arrange a meeting for me with the DNI, FBI and CIA. I want an update about what's going on."

"Of course sir."

"Tell them I'll be waiting here in the Oval Office." Jack left the Oval Office and closed back the door. Heading down the corridor to his left he walked straight back to his office, passing by the Oval Office Study, the private dining room and offices for the Senior Advisor to the President. Upon reaching his office he immediately set to make arrangements for the meeting that must take place as soon as possible. Even though being forty-five he doesn't look as old as any normal person should be at this age. 

"I need a meeting with the Director of National Intelligence, FBI and CIA ASAP." he said on the phone. "The President wants the meeting now." Putting down the phone he exited the office again. When he passed by one of the two offices for the Senior Advisor to the President the door swung open without warning. Stopping immediately Jack met gazes with Bruce Wayne, the Senior Advisor to the President and the Vice President's husband. Jack gave him a quick nod in respond to avoid any awkward interactions. 

"You're not going for lunch or something?" he asked casually.

"I have to arrange a meeting between the President and the intelligence officers." he replied. 

"Where's the Vice President?" he asked.Christ. 

"I'm only in charge of the President's affairs sir. I'll ask for you if Oliver drops in."

"He called in sick this morning."

"The Vice President's away on a working visit, if that helps." he said, already seeing through his attempts to pry any answer from him. "Oliver only knows this but not the country she is currently flying to." He marched straight towards the Oval Office and entered the office, closing the door shut. "It's done sir." he replied.

"Great work. Change of plans, we'll be going down to the Situation Room."

"A more private audience?" he asked.

"No, the Vice President has called."

"Through Oliver?"

"We'll know later." the President said, standing up.

Situation Room

Entering the windowless and soundproof room President Reagan sat at his usual and designated place, the far end of the table facing the six flat panel display televisions. Jack sat on the chair to the President's left, and they waited. The Secret Service agents that are assigned to protect President Reagan are all stationed outside the room. Jack has always been a loyal friend and advisor to him, being an old friend in the CIA. Retired a few months before Al-Kayasah President Reagan asked him whether is he comfortable in helping his old friend as chief of staff. Saying yes without a second thought on the spot he became the President's third chief of staff. "They're here sir." Jack said, looking up. The doors opened and three people entered the room : Catherine Eckhart, Julius Harkavy and Mike Fox.

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