Chapter 18 : Set in motion

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Upon exiting the Capitol building I was surrounded by hungry journalists eager for the latest news. They all have been watching the story about the bill closely and is more than keen to get answers from me or the other senators. Agent Brock and several agents sprung into action, protecting me from all sides until I reached the limo. Ensuring that I'm safely seated inside he closed back the door and the vehicle took off. "CNN's been running the story live ma'am." said Oliver Evans, my chief of staff who is sitting beside me in the vehicle. "I have received many calls from the reporters from various media outlets."

"Everyone we normally see in the Brady Room?" I asked. 

"A quarter ma'am." he said. My phone suddenly rang and I answered the call.

"This is me." I said. 

"It's Eckhart Madam Vice President." came the DNI's voice. "We had a breakthrough about our 'eye problem'. We need you back right now, in the Situation Room."

"I'm on my way back from the Senate." I said. "Give me ten minutes min."

White House

Entering the White House through the North Lawn we walked towards the staircase to take us to the Ground Floor. "Someone inform the Senior Advisor that the meeting with the President and leaders of Congress will be extended." I told the staff standing by in the floor.

"On my way Madam Vice President." the staff replied, hurrying towards the West Wing. Descending the staircase and reaching the said floor I promptly walked towards the Situation Room. Opening the doors I scanned the situation in front of me head to toe : the six flat panel display TVs are on while Eckhart, Jack and the President are already seated at the table. 

"I am sorry being late." I said taking my seat beside the President, to his right. The TVs flashed, probably on cue, and we faced the faces of the heads of the intelligence agencies of the UK, Germany and our own. 

"I hope that you have news you have mentioned earlier Mr. Churchill." the President said. "We have wasted enough time."

"We have it President Reagan." the Director of MI6 said. "We know where the agents are but the bad news is that they are not outfitted with trackers that can pinpoint their actual location."

"Fair enough, phone signals can be tracked." the President said. Another screen came to life and shows a world map on it. 

"The American agent known as Jefferson Wallace is now hiding in Switzerland, Carmen Sophia in Spain and our last one, James Duncan, traitor, is hiding in Sweden."

"We have our targets." he declared. "Now, the problem is who are we going to send to round them up?"

"Sir, we have already decided-"

"I'll go." I said, standing up. "And nobody's going to stop me."

"Exactly what we have in mind. We know that you'll rush head first in situations like this Isabella and we decided to cooperate, keeping you all in the loop but we have to make it a clandestine mission." Julius Harkavy, director of the FBI said. 

"Agreed." Catherine stood up. "From now on, only the four of us here will stay in contact with you."

"I already have thought of an alibi for you already." President Reagan said. "You'll be visiting these countries in secret, as Special Agent Black Bird. You will travel discreetly in a jet as the MI6 director has offered to go along with you with his team."

"Perfect." I said, folding my arms. "When do we leave?"

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