Chapter 32 : Third times the charm?

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After the press conference we gathered in the Vice President's office to discuss our next move. The room is as silent as a tomb when we sat down. "We're running out of time." I said.

"Our enemies are getting smarter."

"Then we outsmart them." the FBI director rebuffed. "Hell, I lost my right hand man to a murderous psychopath two years ago."

"But our major problem is that how are we going to find Martinez." I said. "We already knew last night she passed immigration with a fake alias and passport."

"My men confirmed her last address and sighting, she went to California but was last seen here in DC."

"That means-" a knock on the door interrupted our conversation and I answered the door. A female Secret Service agent was standing outside the door, holding a package in her hands while wearing a baseball cap. 

"Sorry, but do I know you?" I asked.

"I'm new here." she replied. "They asked me to deliver this package to your office." I narrowed my eyes in suspicion but I didn't take the package.

"Leave it on the floor." I replied. She dropped off the package on the floor as instructed but I heard a faint ticking sound when I thanked her and closed back the door. We stared at the package as I opened the wrappings but smoke leaked from the package before I can open the interior of it and the ticking grew rapidly fast. "Someone get the window open!" Dominic quickly swiped the package from the table and threw it out from the open window before the smoke blurs our vision. It managed to clear the office before it exploded, sending down a rain of glass shards.

"Madam get down!" Julius cried. The chairman quickly reacted, throwing himself over me as the glass shards rained down on us. The blast definitely sent shock waves in the office as the continuous buzzing was still in effect as the door was kicked down and I pushed Dominic aside, grabbed the gun hiding below the table and pointed at the door.

"Show yourself! You can't hide in your hole forever!" a voice screamed. My breath heavy as I kept my gun raised and slowly get to my feet. As the smoke cleared the owner of the voice is identified as I found myself facing the same agent again but the baseball cap was gone, revealing the woman's face as a known Carmen Sophia. "There you are." she said. 

"How did you know?" I asked.

"It was easy really. Just flood in knock out gas in every corner except your office to knock out everyone and I can just kill you with a bomb."

"Well, you failed." I said. "There are no eyes in a bullet."

"Try me." she laughed. "You take one more step and I'll fill your brains with lead."

"What did you do to them?" I asked. 

"They're just enjoying a nice, long lap but anyways you will be in a body bag when I'm done with you." she pulled the trigger and fired but I narrowly avoided the bullet and fired back. She must have taken the service weapon from an unconscious agent upon her infiltration. Taking cover behind my desk we exchanged fire. 

"Everybody get down!" I screamed. But Sophia never flinched even though she knew as she fired bullet after bullet to get to me. A faint click of my weapon's trigger kissed my luck goodbye as we both avoided shots. Cursing inwards I threw out my gun just as she attempted to fire, taking full advantage. The weight of the gun barreled against her and she misfired, the intended shot to my heart went to my exposed arm. Taking refuge as Sophia fires over and over again in anger I counted every shot and when coming to the ninth bullet her luck ran out. Spinning out from cover I ran towards her, ignoring my pain and punched her before she can hit. Stumbled a bit Carmen recovered quickly, throwing a punch against my abdomen but I crossed my arms, blocking the blow. I landed a kick but her foot blocked the movement, again and again, alternating between us. Managing to lock her arm I threw her off my back, sending her crashing against the floor. We fought as she is nimble enough to get back on her feet, each of us trying to block each other's attacks as we fought our way across the hall. We can hear the sound of a helicopter flying but I paused on the thoughts about a chopper allowed within the White House airspace which is strictly prohibited. Seeing my momentary stop Carmen got the upper hand, kicking me in the abdomen, locking my arm and delivered a throw that sent me flying out of the West Wing by breaking the glass doors connecting the West Colonnade. I grunted hard upon landing on the grassy lawn, hard, and she wasn't even satisfied. Getting up I slipped into my fighting stance again, ready for more. She landed a high kick but I blocked her with my arms crossed and used the boost to send her down on the ground, delivering a hard blow against her ribs. 

She took the blow but the chopper flying above the White House complex was Marine One. Removing a knife she slashed at my direction but I blocked by grabbing her arm and twisting it, forcing her to drop the knife. Now we're even as I broke her arm and she shot mine. Stepping on the knife's handle I sent it skidding far as she dealt another blow against my abdomen, trying to knock me off balance. Feigning injury I punched her square in the face, grabbing her by the neck and kneed her hard, breaking her ribs and putting her down on the ground enough. She is still groaning as my nose bleeds, one of the punches against my face that I didn't manage to avoid. Marine One hovered for a few minutes before making it's final landing at the South Lawn. I'm still out of breath as I slumped against the grassy lawn while a group of agents charged head front from the glass door I had involuntary destroyed. But the one leading the charge? Secret Service Agent Andrew Barrowman. "You boys are a bit late." I said while panting. 

"Man, are you lucky or what?" Barrowman asked while helping me up. "You went on national TV just now." 

"Suspect's down!" an agent screamed as they quickly handcuffed the culprit, who unfortunately, is still groaning in pain. 

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