Please, please, please be there.

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As you know I have been trying to resurface this book. It has been difficult, this story was never meant to get this popular or get this many people to read it. It warmed my heart to see so many people enjoy my writing. And I am working to do my best in order to ensure that this new version of this book is the best writing I can give you all.

I understand if you all grow tired with me at this point. I have been promising you all a new version of this book for so long and so many of you have stayed with me through it all. I can not apologize enough for my lack of response. 

But now with the current events in the world, I have some time to work on this now. And I will do so until my fingers are bruised. And please, please, please, wash your hands, cough or sneeze into your elbow, practice social distancing, and be safe, smart and healthy.

Naomi Uldradan will be back to read you stories. 

Darcy will be back to scold you for not sleeping enough. 

I will be back to give you all the story you all deserve. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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