Shut It Penny

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This is Penny

"'Kay," he said and continued to walk down the long crowded hallway. We got to his class and I realized that it was my class too and, not thinking, I just walked. "You've walked me to class, you don't have to stick around and miss your class."

"Hmm, I'm not missing anything," I said sitting in my usual seat and patting the seat next to me. The teacher started and everyone stopped talking.

"Erik?" said Mr.West starting attendance.







"Here," Ryan said.

"He's not here Mr.West," Ryan looked confused.

"What's your last name?" I asked him.

"Starwall, why?"

"That Ryan's last name is Harp."

"Jake?" Mr.West said.

"Here," I said and Ryan looked at me.

"You're in this class?"

"Yes," I said in a low voice. Mr.West finished attendance and started class.

"Okay, class, today we're going to be watching Romeo and Juliet. And no making out at the romance scenes, Jess and Bryce, I'm talking to you." The whole class giggled a bit then Mr.West turned off the lights and started the Movie. I tried paying attention to the movie but it was so boring and I just fell asleep.


Jake fell asleep practically before the movie even started and I was panicking. Jake was leaning on me, using my arm as a pillow. After a while, I relaxed and rested my cheek against his head and the next thing I knew, the lights were flicked on and I woke up in a slight panic. Jake jumped at the sudded movement of my arm.

"Sorry I woke you," I said as he rubbed his eyes.

"'S okay, let me walk you to your next class."

"Sure, sure. Whatever makes you happy," I said smiling wishing I could make him the happiest person ever.

"What class do you have?" He asked, all the tiredness gone, as the bell rang.

"JROTC," I said happy he was so willing to spend time with me.

"Cool, I got geometry so I think I can make it," he said looking towards the music building.

"You don't have to...I can just go to cla-"

"Ryan," he said cutting me off, "it's a dangerous school, I wouldn't want you getting jumped on your first day here," he grabbed my shoulder and lead me to JROTC.

"Uh...okay, just don't make me the reason your late to class."

"Its fine, Mrs.Benson doesn't really care if people are late," he gave ma a quick tour of the school, well, at least the parts that were on our way.

"Hey, could you help me sister, she has geometry next and math hasn't ever been her strong suit."

"Wait, you have a sister?" Great, hes gonna go after Panny.

"Yeah, twin, her name's Penny. Just tell her you're one of my friends."

"'Kay," he said, "hey, the sargent's chill, just don't get on his bad side."

"Okay, see ya later."

"See ya," I walked into JROTC and immediately started panicking.


After walking Ryan to class, I ran to geometry. I had to keep reminding myself to look for Penny when I got to class. I managed to make it right before the bell rang. When I got in, I saw Penny sitting in Olivia's seat. What is up with these two sitting next to my seat.

"Hey, are you Penny?" I ask sitting in my seat.

"Yeah, why, how do you know my name? It's my first day here, no one knows me. Are you a stalker? I can get ,y brother to beat me," wow, for being twins they look and act completely different.

"Dude, chill," I said trying to calm her, "Ryan told me to tell you I'm one of his friends. I just know your name and that you're not good at math. If I was a stalker, I'd know your-" I was interrupted.

"Its May sixth,' she sighed.

"Um, its January fifteenth," I say confused.

"My birthday."

"How did you know I-"

"The first thing people say when I ask them if they're a stalker is that if they were a stalker they'd know my birthday, its May sixth."

"Okay, well Panic, my name is Jake, your brother told me to help me if you need it."

"How did you know Panic was one of my nicknames?"

"I didn't," I said, "I just give people nicknames based on the first impression, so, you're now Panic, unless you want me to call you Penny."

"Penny, please"

"Okay," just then, Noora walked in.

"Jakie!" She yelled and walked over to me giving me a hug and kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey, Dora," I Say hugging her back.

"Who this?" she asked pointing at Penny, "That doesn't look like Olivia."

"That's because she's not, Noora, this is Penny. Penny, Noora."

"Nice to meet you Penny," Noora said sitting in her seat, then class started. The entire class, I couldn't help but think about Ryan and Penny looking nothing alike. We didn't do any work so I didn't need to help Penny and before I knew it the bell rang. I went to Biology with Noora and it turned out that Penny had that class too.


JROTC was lonely and I didn't like it at all. The teacher didn't help me and people were just staring at me the entire time. Finally the bell rang and I headed to Biology. Luckily Penny is in there so I won't be too lonely. I was on my way when I was pulled into a closet.

"Penny, what the hell," I said knowing it was her.

"I'm saving your ass."

"What do you mean?"

"You shouldn't be friends with Jake."

"Seriously, just because he's a hot guy doesn't mean I like him or anything."

"Ryan I know you, but just be careful. Him and that Noora chick are a thing."

"No, he said that she's not his type."

"Sure, they wouldn't be kissing each other if they weren't dating."

"Whatever, Penny," I say opening g the door to leave, "we need to get to class," I left and went to Biology. Seeing Jake in there, my heart dropped. He was laying down using Noora's leg as a pillow and she was playing with his hair. I just walked over and sat at Jake's legs. I don't even know why there's a couch in a Biology class. Penny came in and sat next to me.

"Told you," she said giving Noora a dirty look.

"Shut it Penny."

Chapter two, hope you like it.

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See you next week lovelies

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