The Roxy

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I woke up the next morning to Lizzy banging on my door. "Jake, get your lazy ass out of bed, you're gonna be late for school."

"Fuck off Elizabeth, don't you have a mental breakdown to have or something?" She just groaned and stomped away. I looked at my clock and it said 7:45. Shit, I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. I just threw on a pair of blue jeans and a hoodie, not bothering to find a shirt, and ran downstairs.

"Morning, Jake," Sharon said when I ran into the kitchen.

"Morning Sharon," I said, grabbed a banana and ran for the door.

"Where's the fire son?" my dad asked when I ran into him.

"I'm late for school."

"Jake, it is 6:00 in the morning. What do you mean late?" He said and I looked at the clock on the wall.

"ELIZABETH SKYE!" I yelled and ran up the stairs. I ran into her room and she was back asleep. I just threw her pillow at her. "Elizabeth, you're walking to school today," I said and walked out of the room.

"What was that about?" Sharon asked when I walked into the kitchen and sat down.

"Oh, Lizzy woke me up saying I was late for school and my clock said it was 7:45 so now she's walking to school." I said and filled my plate with eggs and toast.I should have known, she's always been obsessed with those stupid Diary of the Wimpy Kid books. I finished eating and got up to put my dishes in the sink when Lizzy came storming down the stairs.

"Jacob, if you make me walk to school, you won't be able to walk for a week."

"What are you gonna do huh?" I say and get up to leave the house. Once outside I ran to my car and locked the doors. Right when I locked the doors, Lizzy came running out and started banging on the passenger door. I rolled the window down just enough for her to hear me. "Lizzy, if you don't back up, I'm gonna run your foot over."

"You won't," she said just as I moved the car up a bit. She backed away but my dad came outside with his arms crossed so I unlocked the doors and let her in.

"Shut up and get in the damn car," I said. Once she got in the car, I drove to the middle school.

"Thanks Jakie," she said and gave me a hug.

"You're welcome Ladybug," I returned her hug. Even though she always gets on my nerves, I still love her to death. She got out of the car and I drove to the High School. I parked my car and walked to my first period. I was so willing to skip it but I really need to graduate, I just don't see the reason for them to make us take Spanish when we don't even live near Mexico.

"Good morning Jacob," Mr.Lemmon, the principal, said when he saw me walk into school. Me and him don't have the best relationship. No, we absolutely despise each other. "Care to speak with me?"

"It's not like I have a choice in the matter."

"I just wanted to make sure you aren't late for class. You're late quite often."

"Are you dense Lemon Head? You're the reason I'm always late." He looked around to make sure no one was watching and he grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Listen here you little shit, if you ever back talk me like that again I will beat you dead, you hea-"

"You'll what?" someone interrupted him. He quickly let go of my shirt, "I'm pretty sure that's considered child abuse and you could get arrested for that."

"And who's gonna believe a little sophomore, not to mention the new kid."

"Being the new kid gives me absolutely no motive to lie and I'm pretty sure they'll believe a video."

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