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(See Ryan's POV)


"Jacob, is that you?" Sharon called from the kitchen.

"Yep, did Lizy not come home yet?" I asked, she should know if her daughter was home, right?

"No, she went out with Kyle," Kyle was Lizy's boyfriend. "Do you want dinner?"

"Yeah, what's for food?"

"Spaghetti, you wanna help me make it?" she asked

"I can try, I'm not the best cook,"I said making my way into the kitchen.

"Where's Noora when you need her?" I normally had Noora with me when I came home from hanging out with friends. We finished cooking just in time because once we set the table my dad walked in with Lizy.

"Hey sweetie, how was work?" Sharon asked and went over to kiss my dad. It was sweet and short but also passionate, I'm not sure how humans are capable of loving like that.

"Good, pretty dead but that's okay." My dad worked at our local grocery store.

"That's good honey. Look, I made spaghetti, your favourite."

"Thank you darling. Jake, how was your day kiddo?"

"Good, we got two new kids and made friends with one of them."

"Why not the other one?"

"Well, they're twins,girl and boy, Penny, the girl is a lot different from my group of friends but Ryan is just like us so, yeah."

"That's good, son, maybe Elizabeth could talk to Polly. What do you think, Lizy." he asked looking at her.

"Her name's Penny, Robert, not Polly if she talks to me, I'll try to be her friend but I'm not making the first move." Ugh, typical teenage girl. We ate dinner in silence seeing as Lizy's attitude had ruined the mood. After everyone finished me eating, my dad went to the living room to read or something, Sharon went to her office and Lizy and I cleaned up the kitchen.

"Hey, Jake, can you hand me a paper towel, I spilled my soda."

"Yeah," I grabbed a paper towel which happened to be the last one and handed it to her.

"Bedankt(A/N)" Right when she turned around, I hit her on the head with the paper towel roll. "Hey!" She yelled and started chasing me with a cup of soda.

"Lizy, calm down, you're gonna soak him." my dad said from the living room.

"That's if she can catch me." I said running up the stairs. She managed to catch me and dumped the water on me soaking my entire backside. "Shit, my phone," I pulled it out of my pocket and threw it to my room. Luckily, my door was open or I would have had a broken phone. 

I still had the paper towel roll in my hand so I turned around and chased her. We were walking around the coffee table until my dad interrupted us.

"Kids, kids, you'll break something. Lizy, go clean the soda up in the hall, Jake, go take a shower." I went to the bathroom and turned on the water. I got in the shower and was in there for about forty-five minutes. I got out and wrapped in a towel. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I left the bathroom and walked to my room in the towel.

"Oh My God! Jacob, put some clothes on!" she yelled.

"I was on my way to do that Elizabeth."

"Ugh, just shut up," she said and walked into the bathroom. I walked to my room and put a pair of boxers on along with a pair of sweats and went to my desk to do my homework. I sat there looking at a math problem for about twenty minutes before slamming my head on the desk and giving up. I sat like that for a while until I heard two light taps on my door so I lifted my head up.

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