Think About It

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Jake and Ryan's ride to the park.


I was completely lost in thought as we drove down the long road crowded by traffic. Life seemed so unreal, like some teenage drama flick . Everything seemed to play out so perfectly like it was scripted. I mean, it's ironic how the one day out of my sophomore year that I wanted a partner, Ryan shows up. Even more, he shows up looking like a God, sits, unknowingly, in the seat right next to mine, goes to hand out with me and my friends of all people and now we're alone in a car together. It had to be written down somewhere, that was the only possibility, or so I'd thought.

"What's on your mind?" Ryan asked looking at me.

"Just thinking," I said.

"What ya thinking about?"

"How crazy it is that life is like a movie."

"How so?"

"Like you're the director of and the main role in the movie that is your life and everyone around you are side characters. There's always an antagonist no matter what the story is. And you're just a side character in someone else's movie or an extra, even. Haven't you ever thought about that?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but I don't quite agree with you though."

"Why not?" I asked, confusion clear in my expression.

"I'm more interested in the idea of parallel universes," I gave him a questioning look then looked back to the road. "Like, anything that's happening right now either has happened already or is going to happen and there are infinite possibilities. Or, y' know everything happening now is happening in a different universe. Like there could be a Ryan and Jake having the exact same conversation, sitting in the exact same way but there's something slightly different. Like the radio is playing a different song," he stated looking at my radio.

"So, careless whisper then," I laughed.

"I mean I'm sure there's a universe like that considering there are infinite universes. Have you ever thought about that?"

"No, not really, it's definitely something to think about though. You got any other theories?"

"Many, how much you wanna hear?"

"How much you got?"

"About thirty, give or take."

"How 'bout two," I asked holding up two fingers.

"Okay, so I've got one that isn't extremely serious."

"Well? What is it?"

"Space is actually filled with vampires, we just don't know because telescopes are made with mirrors," he chuckled when he finished.

"Is that what dark matter is?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Let's hear another one."

"Y' know that UFO's have been grabbing attention for decades right?" I just nodded. "Well, what if the 'aliens' flying them aren't actually aliens but they're us. Like humans from another time where we finally learned how to time travel or humans from an alternate universe where e figured out that the parallel universe theory is real and actually learned how to travel through those alternate universes. And those crashes were irresponsible teens trying to run from home and either crashed or decided to land on our Earth."

"Whoa, that's insane," I said.

"But, like think about it, there's so much proof but also so little. Do you have any interesting theories?"

"Maybe a few, I'm sure you know all of them."

"I still want to hear them," he said. I blushed a bit because even though we both knew he knew them, he still wanted to hear them from me.

"Okay, um well, there's this one where nothing exists until it's noticed."


"Um, so, basically, nothing really exists until we look at it or think about it at all. Like, this car for instance, once we get out of it and stop thinking about it, it no longer exists until we think about it again or until someone drives by and sees it. And when they drive away and no one is looking at it anymore, it no longer exists."

"Interesting, I mean, that is so true. Anymore?"

"Well, y' know the cat in the box one, I'm sure. But there's a box and there's supposedly a cat in the box, but until the box is opened, there is either a cat or no cat and you don't know which universe you're in, the universe with the cat or the universe without the cat. And if you're in the universe with the cat, the cat is either dead or alive until you open the box and you don't know which universe you're in still, are you in the universe with the living cat, the dead cat or no cat?"

"Well, I've heard that theory before but I've never heard it mixed with the Quantum Theory and the Parallel Universe theory and the way you say it, makes it so much more interesting. I'm sorry, I ramble sometimes."

"It's okay, I'm not much of a talkative person so it's good to have someone to keep the conversation going," I said looking out the window.

"It actually gives me something to think about," he said, getting quiet. We both sat there in silence for the rest of the ride. We got to the park before Stacy, Erik and Noora so we just sat in the grass.

"Hey Jake, you hungry?" Erik asked holding a burger king bag. We just ate but Erik is always hungry so he eats all the time.

"Erik, is that even a question? It's burger king."

"I don't know, I figured you wouldn't be that hungry since you ate practically all of Noora's food."

"I didn't eat all of her food."

"I had to eat off of Stacy's plate."

"Oh, sorry. Anyway, give me the food."

"Ryan do you want anything?" Noora asked

"What you got?" 

"We bought a cake, some ice cream more food."

"Sure, what other food did you get?" he asked grabbing a few of my fries.

"We have some chips, more burger king and a bunch of junk food. Stacy ordered a pizza so it should be here in about fifteen minutes."

"Wicked," he said. He took the burger from my hands right as I was about to take a bite and he took a bite.

"Gimme that," I yelled taking my burger back.

"Sorry." We were talking for a bit and laughing but then I got lost in thought. I couldn't stop thinking about Ryan's conspiracy theories. They gave me so much to reconsider. 

"You okay Jake?" Noora asked. "You've been really out of it."

"Yeah, I'm just thinking that's all," thinking a lot.

"You want a drink?" Stacy asked.

"Sure," she handed me a Mtn Dew.

"What ya thinkin' about?" Erik asked, being nosy as always.

"Nothin'" I said, still really out of it.

"What about you Ryan, you okay?" Noora asked. He was really quiet too, I guess.

"Yeah, just thinking."                            ______________________________________________________              Sorry again for the wait. It's taken me a while to write this part. I did get part of the conversation from SKAM. 

Q: Have you watched SKAM?

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See you next time I upload lovelies. Stay safe and healthy <3

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