Hanging Out

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We played a few games and Ryan didn't seem bothered by my comment. I found out that he loves playing skeeball which is really cute. He's also really good at it, he made it in the 5,000 hole every time.

"Do you want to see who can make more points?" Ryan asked. I was actually pretty good too so it's good to have a competition.


"I saw Noora earlier and she said you're good at it so don't go easy on me okay?"

"Okay." He continued to hit the 5,000 hole every time but he gave me a confused look when I hit the 10,000 hole every time.

"She didn't tell me you were that good. How did you do that?"

"I've been playing skee ball since I was 4 so I've had a lot of practice."

"That's cool. You wanna go get something with the tickets you got?"

"Sure, if we have enough tickets for what I want to get." We walked over and I happened to have enough tickets to buy the big bee. It was a really big honey bee and it was really cute, it reminded me a lot of Ryan, I'm not sure why.

"I want those, can I get those?" He asked the girl at the counter pointing at a couple of rubber rings. I think they were the same material as those bracelets that you get on field trips or something.

"Twenty tickets," the girl said.

"Okay," he gave her forty tickets and I giggled a bit.


"Twenty tickets for both the rings not each."

"Oh," he took twenty tickets back from the counter and stuffed them in his pocket. "Which one do you want?" he asked, holding out the rings.

"I don't know, you choose."

"Okay, here," he gave me the blue one which is okay because his eyes are blue. "This one is the same colour as your eyes." He said putting the purple ring on his middle finger.

"Awe, that's sweet, me and my boyfriend did that on our first date here too, look." The girl behind the counter said, showing her green ring. "He has a blue one."

"Oh, that's cool." Ryan said.

"Yeah, eight years tomorrow, how long have you two been together?" She asked.

"Uh... we're not together." Me and Ryan said at the same time. I looked down and scratched my eyebrow.

"Okay, not yet. There's something going on though, you'll get there."

"What do you mean?" we said together again, this is getting creepy.

"Mirroring and saying things in unison, you both looked down and scratched your eyebrow at the same time. But what do I know, you guys'll get there."

"Okay, thanks," I said.

"Have a nice day." Ryan finished. We walked away and Ryan playfully punched my arm.

"Shut up," I said jokingly.

"I didn't say anything."

"Mhm," we walked to the restaurant in the arcade and got some pizza.

"Can I have 2 slices of Hawaiian pizza?" Ryan asked.

"Sure but I don't think a slice of pizza is enough to feed the bear behind you." Mark said and handed Ryan his pizza.

"Shut up Mark, those are for him. The usual please." He put a pizza in a box and handed it to me. "Thank you." We found a table to sit at and we started eating.

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