Sing for Me

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"Friends, hello," Ryan said when he sat on the couch next to Penny.

"Dude, you sound like a robot when you say that. Can't you just say 'sup guys', or something like that?" Penny said, leaning away from Ryan.

"Oh, c'mon Penny, you know you love it when I sound like a robot." I know I do, it's adorable.

"Ryan, if you don't shut up, I swear to god you're gonna get hit with something."

"Okay, sorry." From the looks of it, he was actually scared. Remind me no to get on Penny's bad side. "How's everyone doing?" he asked looking directly at me.

"Horrible, your little sister wasn't in History and Jakie over here decided he didn't want to go to first or second either." Noora said, ratting me out. She doesn't even have first or second with me, my ditching doesn't affect her.

"Noora, we didn't want to go to first, ditching second was an accident." I said not making our case any better.

"Why didn't you guys want to go to first?" Ryan asked

"I have Spanish and I think that's reason enough and Penny has guitar and Mr.Byer likes to make the new kids introduce themselves."

"Awh, Penny, introducing yourself isn't that bad."

"Easy for you to say, all you have to do is quote a vine and be done."

"She has a point, you did that yesterday," I said, I'm not even sure how I can speak to him without stuttering.

"True, how are you, Jake?" he asked leaning in.

"Uh, I, erm I'm uh, I-I-I I'm, I'm, I'm good." There's the stutter. "How are you." I said as fast as I could to avoid sounding like an idiot.

"I'm good, a bit annoyed that Penny ditched without me but other than that," he said, nudging Penny who was staring at Erik.

"He's single y'know," I said following her gaze, she does have taste, I've had a crush on Erik since the third grade.

"I thought he was dating Stacy." Ryan said looking at Stacy.

"No, he's been in the friend zone for so long he doesn't even see her as someone to date anymore."

"Penny, go for it." she just shook her head. "If you don't ask him out, I will for you."

"No!" she said and got up to walk over to Erik. I turned around on the couch that I was on and Ryan moved over to watch Penny.

"This is gonna be great." Ryan said.

"Why do you say that?"

"She hasn't had a decent boyfriend since sixth grade."

"Oh my, that's a long time."

"Yeah." She managed to get over to Erik and started talking, me and Ryan got completely silent so we could hear what they were saying.

"Hey, Erik,"

"Hey, Penny right?"

"Yeah," she said smiling. "Look, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime."

"I thought you'd never ask, what's your number." Holy hell, that was easy. She gave him her number and skipped over to the couches.

"Oh. My. God." me and Ryan said in unison.

"Penny, I hope you have a ride because he can't drive." I said.

"Oh..." she sighed, then I had an idea.

"Actually, I could give you guys a ride and then me and Ryan can hang out, I got to know Penny this morning, I should get to know you too."

"It's a date," Ryan said then started frantically correcting himself. "I mean, not a date date but like a hangout date I mean, shit." Penny and I just started laughing.

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