The Breakup

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Aphmau's POV:
I wake up to the sound of my alarm, my eyes feel heavy and crusty. I still feel tired but I get up at the fact that I'll get to see my boyfriend again after the past weekend of being away from him.

I get up get changed as fast as I can and rush downstairs at the smell of breakfast tacos.

"Morning mija," my mother calls to me as I quickly shove my breakfast into my mouth

"Morning mom," I greet back to her with food in my mouth. As soon as I got done chewing my food I grab my backpack and say goodbye to my mother.

I rush down the street until I finally meet the brick walls of my school, my school always looked so pretty I admired it a lot. While I'm running closer and closer to the school I start to see a blond haired figure sitting on the steps, it was Garroth! I start running faster at the thought of me scaring him with a hug from behind, when I finally reached him I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him.

The reaction I expected was him to be scared them turn around and hug me back or something but instead he said, "Aph.. we need to talk,"
At first I was confused but at the sound of his voice but I let go of him and let him turn around. "What is it..?", I ask. He takes a deep breath and finally says,

"We need to break up"

I stand there in shock for a minute, no reaction then I finally blurt out
"Look Aph I'm sorry it's just-" he gets cut off by the sound of me starting to cry
"Aphmau please don't cry, I don't want to make a scene" I calm myself as much as I'm not making it obvious that I'm crying like a baby.
"Aph I just... I still love you but because of me dating you you're starting to get bullied and I don't want that for you, so please just understand that.."
"I... I-I think I need some time.." I manage to say.

I run off to find somewhere privet, but with my mind like this the first place I think of is the bathroom, so I quickly rush to the door and push it open.

There I find my friends, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Teony as usual they were in here talking. As soon as I rushed in there they all looked at me in shock, they all rush over to me to help me.
"Oh my Irene what happened Aphmau?!", Katelyn asks
"G-garroth he.. he broke up with me.."
"Katelyn please! Calm down!" Teony says

After they all finally calmed down, including me we started to talk about it even more, Katelyn mostly planning on what to do to Garroth, Kawaii~Chan fangirling over that she can finally ship me and this shy kid named Aaron, and Teony hugging me.

Garroth pov:
I feel so bad.. I just broke up with one of the sweetest girls I know and she seemed like I had hurt her so much... but I tried to get that thought out of my head and focus back on my school work, that's when I realized my next class I had with Aphmau! Oh gosh this was going to be awkward-

"Ro'Meave! Pay attention!", my teacher yelled.

"S-sorry Mr."

Aphmau's POV:
On my way to my next class I'm lost in thought,       Then suddenly I bump into somebody or something and fall over head first.

"Ouch! H-huh?"

"H-h-huH?! Omg I-I'm so s-sorry!" The person who I still cant make out replies and runs off

Aaron's POV:
I'm walking down the hallway to my class I'm still feeling tired from the fight I got into, as I walk even more down the seemingly endless hallway I notice a girl, I can't tell who with my head down so I just keep on walking hoping she would move over when we finally meet I realize that she's not gonna move over. But it's to late then-

"Ouch! H-huh?" The high pitched girl says

That's when I realized it's my crush, Aphmau! I feel my face get red so I blurt out,

"H-h-huh?! I-I'm so s-sorry!"

In sudden I reaction I run off as fast as I can,
UGH?! What did I just do?! I probably looked like such a fool, ughhhhh!

I can hear her call out "WAIT" behind me but I just keep running in embarrassment.

Oki that's it for part 1 qwq

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