Chapter 6

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Me, Clementine and AJ sat in Clem's room. She sat on the left bed, I sat on the right and AJ was kicking the wall. He kicks it for a while before Clementine gets aggravated.

Clementine: "AJ, stop. You'll break your toe or something. Come here, sit down."

AJ: "No!"

He stops kicking.

AJ: "It didn't work! I did what you said and they didn't even care! They don't want to let me fix it."

He goes back to kicking the wall.

Clementine: "AJ, breath. Remember what we do when we're mad?"

AJ: "We stop and we think and umm-"

He cuts himself off.

AJ: "I'm still really, really mad!"

Clementine: "I understand, I'm really mad too."

I spoke up.

Y/N: "You're not the only one. "Let's do a vote" my ass. Marlon was a backstabbing piece of shit. I can't believe they'd want to see you out there."

AJ: "Swear!"

Y/N: "What?"

Clementine giggles.

Clementine: "Don't worry about it."

It's good I was able to lighten the mood I guess?

Clementine: "We stop, we think, and we breathe."

AJ then breathes heavily.

Clementine: "Feel better?"

He responds by glaring at her.

Clementine: "You're still mad, huh?"

AJ: "And uh, I think I'm sad, too."

AJ then walks over to Clementine and sits next to her. She puts her arm around him.

AJ: "I did what you told me to."

Clementine: "I know, you're a good listener."

AJ: "I wanted to make them feel better. It didn't work. Why would you tell me to do it if it didn't work?"

Y/N: "Well, kid. It's a start, sure it might not work now, but they'll know you're sorry. Imagine if you just shot him and came in here without saying anything? Imagine how disrespectful that'll be. They'll come around, kid."

Clementine smiles at me and I return one.

AJ: "I don't want to leave."

Clementine: "Maybe they voted for us to stay?"

AJ: "I don't know. They seemed pretty mad."

Clementine: "Violet's on our side. Maybe she'll persuade the others."

AJ: "I like knowing where we are. The food, the beds. I like the kids too, not all of them. But Tenn, Louis, Violet, and Y/N."

There's a knocking on the door. Violet and Louis walk in.

Violet: "We took the vote. You have to leave."

AJ: "Do we get to vote? I vote we stay."

Louis: "That's not how it works."

Y/N: "Maybe it should be."

Louis: "You don't have to like it."

Y/N: "Good! I don't!"

Clementine: "Fine. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Louis: "What helps me sleep at night is knowing you two are gone."

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