Chapter 15

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Y/N: So, you do know where his camp is, right? 'Cause, I have no idea where it is.

You and her, along with AJ have been walking in one direction for almost an hour now. You both lagged behind, while AJ was a bit ahead.

Clementine: If my memory is correct, we should be near. How're you feeling about Minnie?

Y/N: She's... she's different, Clem. I could already tell that the Minnie I knew... is gone. And what happened to Sophie? That doesn't make things any easier. I'll be fine.

She gives you a light hug.

Clementine: You know I'm always here if you wanna talk.

Y/N: I know. Thanks, Clem. But we're really gonna do this, huh? It's kinda like doing a heist, it's exciting. I can add 'heist' to the list of things I'd never thought I'd do. But woo! Boat heist!

Clementine giggles at you as she walks up to AJ.

Clementine: So, how many walkers do you think James will help us get? Fifteen? A hundred? A thousand?

AJ: Clem, I don't-- Ow!

He clutches his stomach in pain. She kneels down in front of him.

Clementine: Gunshot wound?

AJ: It feels like someone pinched me from inside.

Y/N: Yeah, that'll do that to you.

You walked up to them rubbing the wound on your arm from when Lilly shot you.

Clementine: I'm sorry about that.

Y/N: Again, not your fault at all. I'm just glad you and AJ wasn't anymore harmed.

She gives you a big heart-warming smile. You returned one as you looked to your left and see a comfortable looking rock to sit on.

Y/N: Here we go. We can rest for a second.

We walked over to rock and Clem helps AJ up on it. You decided to just keep standing.

AJ: Hey, guys? I keep thinking... When Willy said all that stuff about Tenn before, I got so mad. He was being mean, and Tenn wasn't even there to defend himself. I wanted to hurt him. I know I shouldn't. But I just can't stop thinking about it.

Clementine: It's okay to get mad at people. You can't help that. But those thoughts have to stay in your head, okay? Don't ever act on them. Ever.

Y/N: Yeah, rage can make you do something you'll regret. It's okay to think it, but don't do it. Take Marlon for example. Brody revealed the truth about Sophie and Minnie, Marlon got angry and murdered her, but he realized it too late. Rage is never a good thing.

Clementine: Another example, is this guy who helped look after you when you were little. His name was Kenny. This women hid you in a car and Kenny thought she killed you, so that was the last straw for him and he murdered her. After he did that, he realized what he did, but it was too late. She was already dead.

Y/N: Jesus. Why would she put him in danger like that?

Clementine: Just to prove a point... 

AJ: Okay... I'm strong. I can control what I do. But not what I think.

Y/N: There you go.

AJ: I think I'm mad at Tenn, too. Running out of cover when Lilly attacked the school was really stupid. But he just doesn't know stuff like we do. And then Willy started yelling at him instead of helping him learn... Why don't the other kids know all stuff me and you know?

Clementine looks at you for help.

Y/N: Uh... because... I'm pretty sure they've been sheltered their whole lives. You guys been on the road for a while, right? You guys know what the outside is like.

AJ: Have you been sheltered?

Y/N: No. I've been on the road, too. I joined them about 2-3 years ago.

Clementine: Really? You looked so much younger in that picture.

Y/N: Well, what can I stay? I've matured well.

She just smiles and rolls her eyes.

Clementine: Why don't we teach them? They're smart, someone just needs to show them what to do.

AJ: Yeah. I want Tenn to know how to be safe. We can show them how to be smart like us. But it's weird how different people are.

Clementine: Well, it is Ericson's Boarding School for "Troubled Youth"

AJ: Trouble youth? Trouble... Like, bad. So they did bad things? Why?

Y/N: Well, sometimes people do bad things because bag things happened to them.

Clementine: I knew a doctor once, back when you were just a baby. He called it trauma. You have some too, you know. The thing where people can't walk up behind you.

AJ: I don't like my trauma. I want to get it off me. How do you get rid of it?

Clementine: I don't think you can. It's too deep down inside you.

AJ: That sucks.

Y/N: But, hey. You can resist it, just like anger.

AJ hops off the rock.

AJ: I still like them. I like Tenn the most, I think. Even if he does dumb things. Actually... I think he's my first real friend.

Y/N: Oh? I thought I was?

Clementine: No, I thought I was?

AJ: Y/N, you're my second real friend. And besides you're both old!

Clementine: Am not!

Y/N: I'm not old! I'm like 17? 18? Who even keeps track of that anymore?

AJ: Fine, he's my *second* first real friend.

We then continued to walk in the same direction, looking for James' camp.

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