| Chapter 2 |

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           "Hans! Get your self-righteous ass over here this instant! We could've been in Auradon enacting our revenge a month ago if you would just help me with our plan instead of sitting there like a lazy old toad!" I scream at my partner in crime...literally.

          "Shut it Gothel! I am not self-righteous! If you would actually work instead of yelling at me all the time then maybe we would've finished when the barrier was broken. But nooo! Yelling at me is obviously much more important than formulating our master plan to take over the throne and steal that green-eyed twig's magic." Hans retorts.

          "Anyways...repeat the plan to me again. Just so there are no misunderstandings when we actually get there. We can't afford a single mistake. But knowing you that will be hard."

          "Ok, old lady. So first, we go to Auradon and I get together with the pink princess, Audrey, the daughter of Sleeping Beauty to get information on her ex-boyfriend Ben who is the King of Auradon. Then, while I'm investigating and doing all the hard work, you will be looking for the golden flower which is most probably in Corona. When you find the flower, we will break into the museum to steal some magical artifacts including Mal's spell book. After that, we will kidnap Mal. You will be free to steal her magic, and I can antagonize and blackmail King Ben to hand over the throne to me by stealing the one thing he loves most. Just wondering, why don't you just use the golden flower to stay young forever instead of stealing Mal's magic and going through all that trouble?" Hans says.

          "What happens to me if the flower gets damaged? Or if someone steals it? I'm not letting anyone take my youth from me again. If I steal Mal's magic then I can ensure that my youth will be mine forever! We leave for Auradon at first light tomorrow." I laugh evilly.

          "Okay then...." Hans quietly backs out of the room while I sit on a red chair smirking at the thought of Auradon's impending doom...

          "But WHY!" I scream at Jay, who is supposed to be my teacher for Remedial Goodness 101 but is somehow utterly failing at the job

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          "But WHY!" I scream at Jay, who is supposed to be my teacher for Remedial Goodness 101 but is somehow utterly failing at the job. "You are really terrible at this whole teaching thing. I would even prefer Fairy Godmother over you!"

          "Well, do you think I want to be here, Harry? I don't have a choice! Normally Fairy Godmother teaches everyone in this course, but because there are so many VKs to teach, she split up the load between herself, Evie, Carlos, and I because we came here before all of you guys and we learned this already." Jay replies.

          "But why can't I trip people in the mud? It's awfy hilarious! I mean I get why I can't hook people in the face, but I need something to do to pass the time!" I whine.

          "You're impossible... Even Uma and Gil are making at least some progress in this course, but you will just never change, will you?" Jay says as he walks off, shaking his head.

          "Well... I guess class is over?" Gil says. Oh, that loveable airhead.

          "I'm out. Tourney tryouts are soon." I say as I leave the classroom. Walking through the halls to my locker, I catch a glimpse of indigo hair disappearing around a corner. I follow it, knowing it's Mal. This reminds me of our time back on the Isle. Whenever she was mad or stressed about her mom, or Uma, or basically anything, she would speed walk everywhere and I would follow after her and hug her tightly until she calmed down. I always thought we would end up together, but my hopes of that ever happening were destroyed the moment she left for Auradon. I thought she would change and become one of the prissy princesses that smile way too much, so I convinced myself that I was over her. Now that I'm here and I see that she is still the same Mal that I loved; I can't let her go again.

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